Praying About the Storm

How should we pray about this storm? Al Mohler has some pertinent thoughts from his blog linked above. What appears a random choice of natural elements is really a sovereign system of divine intentions. Jesus said, “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father” (Matthew 10:29). Within the wrath of hurricane Dennis, a branch will not break apart from God’s divine intentions. I have friends and family who will feel Dennis’ impact today, the Lord’s Day. I pray that the goodness of God through the tragedies that strike will become very clear today, even now. Easy to say while on the left coast, right? Well, it was only a month ago that the earth shook us during offertory. God is in complete control and His purposes may be beyond our tracing out on this day. Yet, the tangled mess of a multitude of circumstances will one day be seen as the perfectly orchestrated tapestry of God’s grace. And in awe we will bless His holy...

Osteen Asks for Forgiveness

Al Mohler notes this morning that Joel Osteen has publicly apologized for his ambiguous comments concerning the gospel. Please read his comments in the cited letter. While issues remain regarding other theological issues, we can be grateful that a public figure has publicly apologized for comments that distracted the public from the exclusivity and centrality of Jesus Christ in the...

Mohler’s Osteen Warning

See today’s blog by Southern Seminary president, Al Mohler on the recent Larry King Live interview with Joel Osteen. Osteen virtually rejects biblical Christianity and has replaced it with a kinder-gentler heresy. He has removed the teeth of truth and replaced it with the silk of theological fantasy. Could Joel Osteen be the heir to the Robert Schuller legacy? Mohler also points us to a recent New York Times Magazine article in which the author, Russel Shorto, cannot realy comprehend why Christians are opposed to homosexuality. Shorto reviews the latest in conservative Christian political plots to challenge legislation aimed at promoting homosexuality. While I applaud those who work to preserve conservative values in Washington, I am also reminded that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only sufficient means of which to convice people of truth. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4: “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of...

Singing the Judgment

Justin Taylor’s blog pointed out this great post. I have recently finished a series of messages dealing with God’s judgment as portrayed in the book of Revelation. I found this post to be a good summary of the truth that God’s severity is a joyful occasion for the believer. Sobering, yet joyful. Joyful not in the mere destruction of the lost, but in the vindication of...

Seeing Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

Justin Taylor, whose blog I enjoy reading multiple times a day, just posted a site that contains the video messages behind some of the chapters in the upcoming book, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ. These videos include speakers such as, Mark Dever, Albert Mohler and C.J. Mahaney. To see a number of blog reviews of the upcoming book, please see Justin’s blog post today: “Reviews of Sex and the Supremacy of Christ.” What a marvelous...