Bret Capranica

Ordinary life and pastoral ministry are NOT boring, mediocre, lazy, or lacking in immense satisfaction and enjoyment.  Being average doesn’t mean one has nothing worthwhile to contribute.  The extraordinary are a vast minority.  The ordinary dominate the landscape and have something worth contributing.  This is a spot to celebrate the normal.

THE CAPRANICA is the place on the web to host the mental meanderings of an ordinary Christian, husband, father, and pastor: Bret Capranica.

THE CAPRANICA is a place to connect with the life and ministry of a normal shepherd in a normal church with a normal family.  So, here you should find reflections on Scripture, theology, ministry, and life that hopefully brings a sense of contented encouragement from one ordinary person to other ordinary people.

I was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas.  I became a Christian at age 14 after being exposed to the gospel’s profound effects in my family.  At age 18 I was called to be an associate pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church, just outside of Amarillo. At age 20, I assumed the pastorate of the church.

I graduated from West Texas A&M in 1993 with a Bachelor of General Studies.  In 1997, I moved to Southern California to attend The Master’s Seminary.  While in seminary I was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Granada Hills.  Just before graduation in 2001, I met Kelly Rodgers and we were married, September 1.  In 2002, we moved to San Jacinto, CA to become a pastor at First Baptist Church where we served until June, 2010.  I now serve as the Pastor-Teacher of Summit Woods Baptist Church in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.  In December 2010, I received the Doctor of Ministry degree in Expository Preaching from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

In February, 2007, Brie came into our lives as our first foster child and in January, 2008, she was adopted as our own, Gabriella Ann Capranica.  November 20, 2009, we finalized adoption of Emilia Ann Capranica.  David Andrew was born on September 20, 2009 (and came into our home two days later on my birthday), and became a Capranica on July 23, 2010.

THE CAPRANICA contains the issues of my interests.  I love fiddling with technological gadgets, learning to be more productive, studying, preaching, and teaching Scripture, developing future generations of shepherds, and spending time with my precious family.  More than likely, those are the sorts of things you’ll see while rumaging around THE CAPRANICA.

We are thrilled with our life and ministry.  We eagerly await the next eventful steps of our future.  So, THE CAPRANICA is simply a place to herald the joys of the normal.