Cessationist Reflections

Challies Dot Com: WorshipGod06 – Reflections Tim Challies, who live blogged the WorshipGod 06 Sovereign Grace conference last week, gives a helpful reflection on the conference from his cessationist convictions.  He is humble and still firm in his convictions.  I very much appreciated his making his thoughts...

The Kettering Fellowship

The Kettering Fellowship Here is a new blog I will be following.  Michael Smith, one of the contributors, is a dear brother and has become a good friend.  He and I will be finishing our final Doctor of Ministry seminary today.  I look forward to his future contributioins to the blogosphere – meaning, YOU HAVE TO POST SOMETHING,...

Ahh, the Motherland!

Yep, That’s One Big Cross – purgatorio Yes, this is just outside Amarillo, where I was born and raised.  In my estimation it is quite an appropriate reflection of the spiritual state of the area.  Externally, big cross – but internally, now that’s a very different...