How to Be a Healthy Charismatic Purpose Driven Church

Want to know how to be charismatic, give prophetic utterances in the name of the Lord in public services and still be seeker saturated? Just read the linked article. In this particular church, giving the community what they wanted caused a devoted charismatic church to change their theology in order to gain in attendance. Today if you want to speak for God in the service you have to turn in your statement to the church leadership for approval and they will change it and deliver it to the congregation – so that the unbelievers will not feel out of place. After all the argumentation for public expression of the gifts in charismatic churches, this is interesting. I was wondering how the charismatic movement was embracing the seeker saturated approach to ministry. Now I know. What is even more interesting is how these charismatic congregations can still maintain their so-called prophetic theology and if they veil it, they suddenly become a more “healthy” congregation. Interesting stuff. I have more respect for charismatics who wrestle with the biblical text to defend their theology and attempt to practically apply it to their ministry context than I do for those who become so saturated with the seeker driven approach that they now cave in their convictions in order to gain in attendance. Here is another way to become seeker centered rather than God centered and pronounce yourself a healthy...

When We Try to Make PEACE and not Disciples

Politically Driven Injustice – Christianity Today Magazine Here is an interesting critique of the Warren PEACE plan. Could this be an indication that Warren’s approach is an appeal more for social change than spiritual conversion? Perhaps the Warren plan reflects an ideology that suggests social change will create the climate for spiritual conversion. Either way, this does not seem to be what Jesus had in mind with the Great...

What Do The T4G Men Read?

Together for the Gospel What is Al Mohler’s, Mark Dever’s, Lig Duncon’s reading schedule? O.K. If C.J. gets answers to these questions – this should be the best blog post of the year (even though the year is relatively young). I am waiting with great...

Popularity Has Killed Again

Due to the extreme popularity of the king of the evangelical (or whatever name some are trying to come up with) blogosphere, Phil Johnson has shut down his mega hit Pyromaniac. 18,000 hits on a slow day were getting in the way of producing more CDs and books at GTY, not to mention that his writing ministry had become more e-mail responses than editing for John MacArthur. Yes, and alas, I truly understand your pain Phil. I too have thought about closing shop due to the unrelenting activity that blogging creates and the pressure to keep up with real world responsibilities. I too have trouble responding to all the e-mail I receive (well – any e-mail I receive), and I’ve neglected some precious relationships in my life, like the boys over at the dogpound. Yet, The Capranica will remain open and I will continue to read books that have real dust jackets (not merely e-pages), and I will renew my commitment to respond to e-mail and return phone calls (Scott). I also look forward to the post from the new blog Pyromaniacs. I am a bit surprised, though, that none of my Fide-O friends were added as contributors. Perhaps they have become too busy as...