Church Discipline Interview

9 Marks Interviews I just finished listening to this excellent discussion on the history and discipline of the local church, via 9 Marks. Stacy and James, if you are reading, I my site meter tells me you do indeed read, you need to listen to this interview. It really goes well with a number of issues we have been discussing and implementing as a church. As a matter of fact, this little occasion would be a good opportunity for you both to sign in to blogger and provide a little feedback. For the other two who frequent this little villa, listen to this interview for a good discussion of historic Baptist practices in light of modern evangelical approach to church...

A Frivolous Friday Has Returned: The Capranica Villa Almost Finished

Well, it has been a very looong nine months since my wife, Kelly, and I began the process of putting a new home together. We settled on a nice little triple-wide mobile (probably my Texas roots yearning for the old trailer days) home. Since December 26, we have officially occupied the new home: The Capranica Villa. Here’s a brief historical look at the process. The home is no longer mobile. It is an official tied-to-the-land house on a permanent foundation. Until our next major earthquake, she ain’t goin nowhere. We are still not finished with the work. We continue with the unpacking and arranging of the house. None of the exterior landscaping has been done. We’ll wait ’till it gets over 100 degrees around here before we begin that part. Right now it is WAY too comfortable. So here are a few pics of the house thus far: The Front of the Villa The Front Door and Dining Room French Doors of the Villa. The Villa’s Entry The Villa Living Room Mrs. C’s study. The Villa Bedchamber. Mr. C’s study. I’m sure most everyone who reads this blog (all two of you), do not care about the progress fo the Villa, but, the two times a year my family reads this blog, the’ll want to see it. I can’t show you some of the other rooms, because they are not even close to being finished and I’m afraid that there would be murder in the Villa if I posted them. So, until next...

9 Marks-T4G on Cooperation

9 Marks ministries discusses cooperation with C.J. Mahaney, Ligon Duncon, Al Mohler and Mark Dever. They tackle issues related to what they can and what they will not join together in cooperation as pastors and churches. Good...