Science Has Buried God?

Science Has Buried God?

I was privileged to meet Dr. Andy Davis this past April.  Aside from his obvious brilliance, he has memorized vast portions of Scripture and is so amazingly and encouragingly insightful in his understanding of God’s Word.  Here is Dr. Davis, an MIT grad, discussing the question, has science buried God? [You Tube Video] HT:  Thabiti...
Baptist 21 Panel at SBC 2010

Baptist 21 Panel at SBC 2010

Here’s the video of the Baptist 21 panel held during the lunch break at this year’s SBC in Orlando.  This panel was discussing the Great Commission Resurgence report that was to be debated and eventually adopted by the messengers of the convention that afternoon.  Great stuff here: [Vimeo Video] HT: Justin Taylor B21 Panel at 2010 SBC Annual Meeting from Southeastern Seminary on...
Cap Clan in Spring

Cap Clan in Spring

I know it’s summer, and this is a bit belated, but Spring was busy; beautiful, but busy.  Here’s the photographic artistry of Chad Martin and the musical blessing of Enfield and their new Hymns album – with a little Capranica Clan spring time joy. [YouTube...