Obama the Antichrist?

Obama the Antichrist?

Perhaps you have seen or heard wind of this video.  This sort of approach to the Bible is so distracting from a healthy approach to interpreting the Scriptures.  It is a case study in why we need more instruction and modeling of solid hermeneutics on a weekly basis in our local churches. Here’s the video: [You Tube Video] Here’s Dan Wallace’s excellent and helpful critique. HT:  Denny...
A Week’s Worth of Tweets for 2009-08-14

A Week’s Worth of Tweets for 2009-08-14

Haircut time # Slow tweets this week. Just made it through a ton of e-mail & phone calls. Now to Zephaniah & 2 Samuel for church tomorrow. Lot’s to do! # RT @Phil_Johnson_: Not exactly a neat freak: http://bit.ly/nPKDC # Off to play with the family – maybe some dinner in there somewhere. # Wow! Kel made lobster tail and tri-tip for dinner (thanks to Stater’s incredible sale and Kel’s taking advantage of it). Excellent dinner! # Fun time tonight. Just put the kids down for bed. We’re next so we can get an early start tomorrow. # Ah, a cooling trend this week: http://yfrog.com/0v989cj # Enjoying the early morning checking the headlines & preparing my heart & mind with the word & prayer. Always greatful for the Lord’s Day. # Enjoyed the fellowship and conviction over and from God’s word today. Pastor James preached a great message-his last sermon as a single man! # Finalizing handout for tonight, then a music rehearsal, then evening worship: Zephaniah 1:14-18-What a Day That Will Be. # Really enjoyable time of worship & fellowship over the word this evening. Long day. I think I got my monies worth of the day. Time for bed. # Checking headlines, waiting for my 6 am phone appointment to call. It’s a meeting about my belatedness 🙂 # Good phone meeting. Now to prayer and the Word. I’m running way too slow this morning. # Just finished a great afternoon and evening celebrating Kel’s 32nd B-day. # Time to medialtaye on the word & pray. Praying for the GCR Taskforce meeting today. # Off to the...
Notes From the Study

Notes From the Study

Here are a few salient quotes from my commentary reading for last week’s sermon on Zephaniah 1:14-18: Contrary to the assumption that God is transcendent but not imminent in history, there is a God to whom the human race will one day have to give an account, however marginal they may seek to make him in the present. The day of the Lord is not arbitrary; it is the logical outgrowth of what humankind is (1:17b), it will bring what humankind deserves (1:17a, c), and it will expose the uselessness of what humans trust (1:16b, 18a). Humans may categorize their sins into the serious, the mediocre, and the insignificant.  To Zephaniah (see James 2:10-11) the mere fact of sin excited and merited the whole weight of divine rage. J. Alec Motyer,”Zephaniah,” The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical & Expository Commentary, Thomas Edward MComiskey, ed., 912,...