Pastoral Productivity – The Big Picture

Pastoral Productivity – The Big Picture

The big picture is where productivity begins, whether for a pastor or really anyone. What’s the biblical rationale for life? What are your biblical values and how are they What roles do you providentially have in life? What does the Bible say about each of them? As you analyze your life circumstances, biblical priorities, and personal giftedness, what do you believe would be the best end product to shoot for in each of these roles you have in your life? That’s where goals come in. Goals will shed light on how you plan each week and evaluate how your doing as time goes on. Weekly planning helps to guide how you think about each day. Overly intentional? Maybe. But I think these are merely practical ways to look at life and ministry and make sure you are aligning life and ministry along a biblical track. So in this post I want to concentrate on identifying and defining biblical values. What are the core principles that govern your thinking and your behavior? Perhaps you could ask yourself, when I die, what do I most want my life to leave behind that were the obvious commitments of my life and ministry? Answer that question with a list of one word responses. Then begin to clarify those words in a short sentence or two. Here’s a few steps to take in defining and clarifying your values: 1. Brainstorm a list of one-word standards, ideals and priorities that are biblically based and very important to you. 2. List each one word value and then write a present-tense, first person affirmation statement about how...
Pastoral Productivity – Challenges

Pastoral Productivity – Challenges

Busyness is a given and is not unique to pastoral ministry. But make no mistake, busyness is often more of a problem, than more of a sign of effectiveness. I have always wrestled with personal focus, whether practicing my trumpet in high school band, or finishing a paper in college. Procrastination could be my first, middle, and last name. Time and life management has always been a struggle. But it has become a major pursuit as well; one in which I trust I am making progress. Challenges to Productivity Sin. Sin steals time. Whether misplaced conversation, inappropriate activities, or laziness in and of itself, sin steals time. When activities of life that are not faith-founded dominate the schedule, sin is present. Sin is never productive, not in the long run – rarely in the short run, never for things eternal. No real need to get too specific here. Sin steals time. You probably know how that shows up in your life. I am quite well aware of how it shows up in mine. Family. I don’t mean to suggest that productivity is more important than time spent with family. I don’t believe that and would never advocate it. However, I am quite sure that family requests, kid’s desires, and even legitimate, necessary family needs prove challenging to your being productive. Productivity may mean staying up later, or in my case getting up earlier, so that family is not inappropriately neglected. Nonetheless, family responsibilities are always a challenge to being productive in your work. Unintentionality. This may be one of the biggest challenges. Simply having no intentional plan regarding your...
getting started with GTD

getting started with GTD

Getting Things Done is David Allen’s excellent book to help  you, well, get things done.  If you are unfamiliar with it, don’t have time to read the book (a sign in and of itself), get the podcasts and begin to transform how you get things done. getting started with GTD | GTD...