Why Read Your Bible Through Each Year

Why Read Your Bible Through Each Year

I think you should read your Bible through each year.  However, this post is not to suggest that those who do not choose an annual Bible Reading plan are somehow doomed to a spiritual wasteland.  Simply put, we need to be reading our Bibles. I am also not suggesting that this approach to reading Scripture should replace detailed study of Scripture. I am merely suggesting a few reasons I have found it helpful to read through the Bible each year. New Translations. I rarely read the same translation for my annual reading. I generally start a new translation of the Scripture with each year”™s beginning. I have found this helps me think more critically of a given passage and how it may differ from a more well-known translation (I read through the Holman Christian Standard Version this year). I also find myself less tethered to the physical location of passages in my Bible (i.e., “oh, that verse was on the top left corner of the page about ¾ of the way through John), and more tied to the chapter and verse. It allows me greater dexterity in remembering where significant passages are located. Full Perspective. Reading through the entire Bible every year helps me develop a mindset of seeing the details in light of the whole of Scripture. Context. Regularly reading through large swaths of Scripture helps me to see each portion within the context of its given book. So, when I pray through my reading devotionally, I have a Spirit-inspired context from which to think through how to apply the passage”™s God-originated intent. Non-Neglect. I can”™t neglect any...
Science Has Buried God?

Science Has Buried God?

I was privileged to meet Dr. Andy Davis this past April.  Aside from his obvious brilliance, he has memorized vast portions of Scripture and is so amazingly and encouragingly insightful in his understanding of God’s Word.  Here is Dr. Davis, an MIT grad, discussing the question, has science buried God? [You Tube Video] HT:  Thabiti...