Preparing for Sunday-Revelation 5:11-14

Preparing for Sunday-Revelation 5:11-14

Carefully Think What is the main idea of Revelation 5:11-14 How is Jesus specifically exalted? What characteristics of Christ are specifically mentioned? Why do those who exalt Jesus do so with such exuberance? What has he done (in this context) that causes their worship? Prayerfully Meditate Use the list of Jesus”™ characteristics in personally exalting Christ in a time of prayer (personally, and with your family, or a group of fellow Christians). Meditate on the lyrics of this Sunday”™s songs (see a link below).  How do these lyrics help exalt Jesus in unique ways? Lyrics for Sunday Morning Morning service march 6, 2011 View more presentations from Summit Woods Baptist Church. Actively Respond Read the passage (Revelation 5:11-14) with your family (or someone else) this Saturday evening or Sunday morning before coming to church. Pray specifically for those who will attend the service, that all of our hearts will be tuned into what this passage is saying to all of us as a congregation. Pray specifically for those who will be leading us in our worship service (musicians, elders, staff, etc.).  Ask that they be spiritually and mentally prepared for leading us in worship. How could this Sunday”™s passage impact the way you interact with people? Pray that you will be sensitive in how you could serve others who are gathered together with us this...
Transition Lessons

Transition Lessons

The Capranica has been silent for a number of weeks.  That’s not necessarily new, though August and September were banner months for readership.  As most will know, our family just moved from the desert of Southern California to tundra of the Kansas City, Missouri area.  We now live in Lee’s Summit, a suburb of Kansas City, and I recently became the Pastor-Teacher of Summit Woods Baptist Church.  Yesterday was my third week in the pulpit and I commence my fourth week in the office today.  The transition was quick and relatively easy as far as moves go.  The kids have adjusted well and we are all adjusting from the normal November 90″™s in Hemet to the normal 40 and 50 degree weather for Kansas City.  We’re bracing for the fun stuff on its way. Our transition was, as most issues in life are, a learning experience for us.  The lessons that come to mind are ones not necessarily attached to moving to a new ministry assignment – several are essential for the normality of life.  Yet, moving your family across the country (or further) is no normal time.  Though we are still in the beginning stages, here’s a few thoughts on what I have found helpful during the transition: 1.  Spend encouraging time with good friends before leaving. We made it a point to sped some wonderful fellowship time with people who were close to us before we left (though we were unable to see everyone).  We treasure every one of those conversations – every meal – every moment we had with such precious friends.  We had rich times...