Answering Hot Topics – Introduction

Answering Hot Topics – Introduction

Answering Hot Topics from Bret Capranica on Vimeo. Last Sunday, August 29, the elders of Summit Woods Baptist Church, publicly presented me as the candidate to become the church”™s next Senior Pastor.  Kelly and I are very excited to bring our family out to Lee”™s Summit next week in view of being called to serve at Summit Woods.  We have had a tremendously warm reception by a number of people from the church already (via Facebook, e-mail, and Twitter).  Our fellowship with the elders has been abundantly sweet. In our continued to dialogue since we were presented to the church, the elders and I thought it might be helpful to put out some more answers to questions that people have raised.  I”™m happy to do that.  So, for the next few days, you”™ll see some posts here at the blog to answer further questions people have posed.  I call them, “Answering Hot Topics.”  I”™ll hit the following topics: Are You a Calvinist? How Long Should A Sermon Be? An Affirmation About Alcohol Thoughts on Educating Our Children Stewardship and Local Church Giving I am sure there are many more questions that I could address.  If you have other topics, please feel free to e-mail them to me or leave a note in the comment section of this post.  If I don”™t answer them before our arrival in Lee”™s Summit next week, be sure to ask them of me in the public Q&A time, or come introduce yourself to me personally and put me on the spot. We look forward to serving you next...