How Do We Daily Apply the Gospel?

How Do We Daily Apply the Gospel?

How can we apply the gospel daily? What is the Gospel? Before practically answering that question, let’s quickly remind ourselves of what the gospel actually is. God The God who created all things is the standard of all that is right and wrong, and his standard is perfection – his standard is the reflection of his own character (Genesis 1:1; 1 John 1:5; Matthew 5:48; Isaiah 6:1-7). Mankind Mankind has violated that standard and continues to rebel against their creator and reject his standard, setting up for ourselves a new standard that tends to reflect the transitory whims of our own marred character. Man’s nature is one that rebels against God, does not seek God, does not desire God, thinks more highly of himself than of his creator, and is under the control of a humanness that follows the call of a God-hating system ruled by a demonically inspired leader, the devil himself. Thus, a perfect God who lovingly created all things for man to enjoy has been offended by the very crown of his creation in that they would rather serve themselves in a way that exalts sin and Satan more than God and his glory (Romans 3:10-18; Ephesians 2:1-3). Christ But the love of God and his wisdom have not only matched, but have overcome the depths of man’s depraved nature and choices. God has demonstrated the depths of his love in that he designed a way that would satisfy His perfect standard (the expression of His own character), accomplish justice for the injustice man has done against his holy standard, and apply the only sort of...
mid-Week Minutes 7.13.11

mid-Week Minutes 7.13.11

How to Meditate on Sunday’s Message How to Meditate on Sunday’s Message In this week’s Mid-Week Minutes: This is VBS week – thank you to Stacy McCommon for the devoted leadership and to all who have given so much of their time and energy to teach Scripture to our kids. How to Meditate on Sunday’s Message: Re-read the passage Review the Main idea of the message Rehearse the main points that unfold the main idea Think through an application grid of questions on each point How seen in salvation history? Impact on the lost? Impact on the culture Impact on a Christian Impact on our Church Application Grids: Example filled out Blank...