
Seeing Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

Justin Taylor, whose blog I enjoy reading multiple times a day, just posted a site that contains the video messages behind some of the chapters in the upcoming book, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ. These videos include speakers such as, Mark Dever, Albert Mohler and C.J. Mahaney. To see a number of blog reviews of the upcoming book, please see Justin’s blog post today: “Reviews of Sex and the Supremacy of Christ.” What a marvelous... read more

Preaching Resources

Last January, as a part of a DMin program I am involved with, I had the opportunity to interact with Dr. Daniel Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Hershael York, a professor of preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Both of them are excellent preachers and both make their share of contributions on the web. I regularly check in on both of their sites and enjoy their resources: Dr. Daniel Akin – articles, sermons (audio, pdf, handouts), conferences, etc Dr. Hershael York – Buck Run Baptist Church:... read more

Moore Blog

Russell D. Moore, Dean of Theology and VP for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has a great blog that has become a regular read for me. I recommend his regular comments for your own regular reading. His blog from yesterday entitled, “Why I’m Raising Violent 4 Year-Olds” is... read more

Quick and Dirty Calvinism

Phil Johnson has begun his blogging. His blog from yesterday is a great read evaluating the current trends among some Calvinists. I especially enjoyed his comments regarding Calvinism and evangelism. Phil’s blog should be a regular... read more

The New Universist Religion

Read today’s blog by Dr. Mohler on the new “Universist” religion developed by University of Alabama student, Ford Vox (Item two in Mohler’s blog today). His religion seems to be the religious organization of postmodern thought. What is facinating to me is not that his group already boasts 7500 members, but that the group’s aim in developing “fellowship” between those who absolutely reject absolute truth is already very appealing with even so-called “Christian” groups. “Whatever works for you,” is the mantra of postmodern religious belief. Truth is liquid in the realm of reality. Mr. Vox has not developed a new religion. Actually, he has simply begun to organize one that already exists, even among many professing... read more

Influential Books

The Barna Group has published a new study detailing the most influential books on pastors’ bookshelves. Justin Taylor referenced comments at in regard to the study. Worth the... read more

Seeker Gymnastics

Dan Southerland, “the leading expert on implementing the Purpose Driven paradigm in existing churches”, writes a recent article published on the popular “” website, entitled, “Seeker semantics.” According to Pastor Southerland, there is a chief difference between “Seeker Driven” churches and “Seeker Sensitive” services. “Seeker Driven” are those weekend church services that make “winning the seeker” the main goal. To accomplish this goal and emphasis “they’ve added contemporary music, topical teachings, videos, drama and multi-media – all of which are good methods – to their focus on the seeker. Since the goal of the weekend service in such models is to reach the seeker, worship time is reduced, performed music is used more than participatory music, and the teaching is kept ultra light in its topic and tone.” Southerland offers no examples of current “Seeker Driven” churches and the tone of his article assumes that Purpose Driven Churches are NOT “Seeker Driven” churches. “Seeker Sensitive” services, according to Southerland, are distinctly different from “Seeker Driven” churches in that, “The purpose is still for the family of God to meet together, to worship and to be fed.” “Seeker Sensitive” church services have merely changed their awareness of who is present and they adopt appropriate manners for seekers who may be present. This is fascinating! Why? Because Dan Southerland, “the leading expert on implementing the Purpose Driven paradigm in existing churches”, has just re-written the best selling Purpose Driven Church (PDC) paradigm. Consider Rick Warren’s comments in PDC: “Each week at Saddleback, we remind ourselves who we’re trying to reach. . . . Once you know your target, it will determine... read more

The Singing Spurgeon

While studying and meditating on Psalm 95 in preparation for preaching on this Psalm, I appreciated Spurgeon’s comment: It is to be feared that very much even of religious singing is not unto the Lord, but unto the ear of the congregation: above all things we must in our service of song take care that all we offer is with the heart’s sincerest and most fervent intent directed towards the Lord himself. From The Treasury of David, Vol 2, 164. – a good reminder for our preparation for corporate... read more

Stem Cell Theology

Please read today’s blog by Albert Mohler regarding the New York Times’ editorial on The President’s Stem Cell Theology. The editorial is another interesting read in how pluralism desires to be inclusive of virtually everything other than... read more

Another Way to Blame God

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)! What is SAD? It is another disorder drawn from the objectivity of science (**heavy sarcasm**). SAD is another possible explanation for why people become depressed. According to the study, in months where there is little sunlight, the brain begins to shrink (at least it does in rats). This creates more depression-causing hormones to be released from the hippocampus. About six percent of Americans are affected by SADness. If the study were true, there would be no depression here in sunny Southern California. However, from my estimation, our sunlit culture pops prozac like Skittles and lives under the dark clouds of their depression despite the year-round sun. There must be a different depression disorder for those who live in too much sun. This report is simply another way for the poor victim of God’s creation to say, “It’s not my fault; I was just made this way; I’m not responsible” It is eerily similar to Adam’s statement to God (and about God) in the garden, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate” (Genesis 3:12). SAD is another piece of evidence that Solomon was right: there is nothing new under the sun (or the... read more

The Joylessness of Christlessness

The land that once produced the puritans, the Wesley’s, Whitfield, Spurgeon, Lloyd-Jones and other colossal names in Christian circles has lost her joy. The referenced report is an interesting read, especially when one considers that Great Britain is a country given to the application of modern liberalism, where once she was the propagator of the gospel to the world. This secularized country now faces the results of Christlessness: joylessness. “Money worries, relationship woes and even political concerns were among the reasons given for the collection of grim faces, according to the data, collected for the cruise company Ocean Village.” Rather than examining the ramifications of Britain’s social issues, the group researching England’s joy attributed their sorrow to: “Factors such as weather, time of day and age, were all cited as being able to spark the blues.” What about England’s measured move away from the Bible, the gospel and the Lordship of Christ? While no secular survey would turn up such causes to unhappiness, it should come as no surprise to those who know the strength of the joy of the Lord. “Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4. “I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches.” Psalm 119:14 “I have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.” Psalm 119:111 “I rejoice at Your word, as one who finds great spoil.” Psalm 119:162 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Philippians... read more

Finding Heaven Through a Harley?

Our local Inland Empire newspaper (The Press Enterprise), published the referenced report yesterday about a local congregation that will do anything to “reach” people, including giving away a new $25,000 Harley-Davidson Road King. The 6500 member Crossroads Church in Corona gave away the motorcycle in the name of the gospel. “I guess they feel the bike has significant value in the people they’re trying to reach. … Barry McMurtrie is a no-nonsense kind of a guy. He’ll do anything to reach people, but he’ll also make sure they have the opportunity to know the Gospel. When he opens his Bible, there will be no misunderstanding.” The bike was given away not to a visitor, but a year-long member who won the bike through having his name pulled from a hat. Obviously with the seeker driven emphasis among contemporary American churches, this latest show should not be surprising. In fact, the article notes that such a feat is being replicated across the country. “The River at Tampa Bay in Florida gave away a Humvee in January. On New Year’s Eve 2003 Abundant Life Christian Center in La Marque, Texas, raffled off a Harley-Davidson Sportster and a Chrysler PT Cruiser to visitors and members. And Christ’s Church of the Valley near Phoenix appealed to unchurched young adults by giving away two tickets to a sold-out U2 rock concert to people who visited the church’s Web site.” All of this is done in the name of Christ and promoted as a means of attracting people to hear the gospel. However, with the gimmicks used to attract the lost, one has to wonder... read more

Ah, Evidence of Scientific Objectivity

To tan or not to tan, that now is the question. The report has now emerged: being out in the sun is good for you and will help you avoid cancer. Wow! Just the opposite of what we have all been told. So says a new report advocated by Dr. Edward Giovannucci, a Harvard University professor. Dr. Giovannucci is convinced that the sun is really good for our skin and if we have enough vitamin D, we will not only cut the risk of cancer but protect ourselves from it also. A dermatologist, Dr. Michael Holick slams the conventional thinking that has fueled the sunscreen industry for years saying, “The problem has been that the American Academy of Dermatology has been unchallenged for 20 years,” he says. “They have brainwashed the public at every level.” Dr. Holick, former chief of endocrinology, was stripped of his professorship when the head of his department noted that he had been paid over $150,000 from the Indoor Tanning Association. Ah, objectivity driving science. I love it. This story ranks up there with the back and forth commendations and condemnations of coffee. I write this with a large cup of Starbucks in front of me. My interest in this story comes from the once again sham of those who claim that science is purely objective and therefore completely authoritative. Does it bother anyone that scientists can’t make up their minds? Is anyone intrigued by the fact that many so-called scientific facts are tainted by agendas, grants, academic stardom and public status? Science is not amoral because it is observing a sin-stained world through sin-tainted... read more

All Things “Capranica”

I am often asked, “what nationality is that name?” In my quick browse around the world-wide web, I’ve found some very interesting stuff about “Capranica.” Here’s a sampling: It is a medieval city in central Italy. Note the city emblem. Capranica in the winter. It is a theatre in Rome. Check out the great pictures. It is a restaurant in Rome. As noted previously, it is a college, or residence for Vatican seminary students. So, yes, the name is of Italian origin, making me, therefore, a Roman... read more

Star Wars and Theology?

No, I am not one of those who attempts to find Christian or moral themes in movies like Star Wars in order to commend them to you and your family’s viewing. The article referenced, however, uses the recent release of George Lucas’ final movie in the Star Wars’ saga to discuss the age old theological (it is more theological than philosophical) issue about a person’s essential nature. Are we born good or evil? Popular culture postulates ideologies, not just entertainment, even through entertaining movies like Star Wars. The article notes, How about it, George? Was Anakin born bad? “No,” Lucas told The Associated Press. “That”™s why most people got upset about “˜Episode I.”™ They said, “˜Well, he should be a monster.”™ But he”™s not a monster. He has sort of heightened skills and awareness, and he”™s smarter than most people, but at the same time, he makes rather bad decisions.” Lucas’ response about his movie character reflects the idea that many have about our human nature. Many believe that we are essentially good, but our environment and personal “bad decisions,” lead us astray. One psychologist quoted in the article says, No one is born with a Napoleon complex. Yet our genetic raw material does establish tendencies for how each person will respond to environmental factors, said Alan Hilfer, a child psychologist at Maimonides Medical Center in New York. “We come into the world with a personality, a character. Some kids are more irritable, some more sensitive, some kids are easygoing,” Hilfer said. “We all come in with a particular set of biological pieces to make up who we are.... read more

Devaluing the Reformation

Do we need another reformation within Christianity? Rick Warren says we do. However this time, the new reformation needs to be one not based on belief, but on behavior. In a recent gathering of over 12,000 people in Dallas, Warren spoke about how the Reformation of the sixteenth century divided the church, but how a new reformation centered on planting churches, developing servant leaders, feeding the poor, curing the sick and educating the uneducated will unify the church. And with whom will we be unified? The meeting was a gathering of “Baptists, charismatics, nondenominational evangelicals, and others [I wonder who these folks are] at Dallas’ Reunion Arena for a Global Day of Prayer rally May 15.” Warren commented about the first reformation and the new reformation, “The first one was about creeds; this one’s going to be about our deeds. The first one divided the church; this time it will unify the church.” Warren led the assembly in “praying against the global giants” that lead to fear, loss of direction, and lack of purpose, noting spiritual emptiness is the greatest giant.” This push for a global response of the Church to issues such as health, education and poverty is a necessary one. My concern is that we are approaching such issues without a common conviction about what is actually most basic: the gospel. To link arms with religious groups who do not agree on the content of the gospel in order to cure societal ills is eternally meaningless. In my estimation, Warren’s approach is picking up the ball where the Promise Keepers left off: unity without theology. He seems... read more



Worth Your Time

C.J., Lig, Al, Mark, et. al. Mark Dever and Company John Piper John MacArthur Phil Johnson and Friends the same says it all.