
Enjoying God Ministries

Sam Storms is a Calvinistic Charismatic who I first heard from the Desiring God Jonathan Edwards conference a few years back.  He gave a great message on Edwards and Heaven.  You’ll find his new site and blog encouraging, intriguing and challenging, especially in areas you may not agree with him.  Good read and now a regular of min. Enjoying God... read more

Overcomeing Sin & Temptation – Intro

Here are a few quotes from Kelly M. Kapic’s introductory article to he and Justin Taylor’s reproduction of John Owen’s works on the subject of Overcomeing Sin & Temptation, which I am reading in my devotional time each morning: Owen’s personal life:  Though he had eleven children with his first wife, only one of them survived beyond adulescence; the one girl who did survive ended up returning to live with her father after her marriage collapsed, and while in his home she died of consumption (24). Sin moves by drawing the mind away from God, enticing the affections and twisting desires and paralyzing the will, thus stunning any real Christian growth. Far too often Christians working within the Reformed tradition have been guilty of confusing stoic ideals of emotional detachment with maturity in the Christian life.  But this Reformed tradition, which Owen self-consciously grows out of, has at its best made significanct space for the importance of the affections (27). . . . all Christians are call to love God with their mind, will, and affections.  Healthy affections are crucial tothe life of faith, and numbing them cannot be the answer (28). Resisting sin, according to this Puritan divine, comes not by deadening your affections but by awakening them to God himself.  Do not seek to empty your cup as a way to avoid sin, bu rather seek to fill it up with the Spirit of life, so there is no longer room for sin (28). . . . there is no temperament that is free from temptation, and the trick is to be aware of the threats that... read more

The Tribulation

Fellow TMS grad and blogger par excellence, Jonathan Moorhead, has been making a number of good posts on the subject of the Tribulation. To gain the most insight, be sure to not only read the posts but the comment threads: What is the Purpose of the Tribulation? The Purpose of the Tribulation: Part II – Can God Be Glorified in the Tribulation? The Purpose of the Tribulation: Part III – OT Paradigm of Judgment for the Glory of God The Purpose of the Tribulation: Part IV – The Prophecy of Ezekiel The Purpose of the Tribulation: Part V – The Prophecy of Joel The Purpose of the Tribulation:  Part VI – The Book of... read more

Are You Being Very Productive

Since my college days (some 14 years since graduating with my bachelors) I have been interested in learning how to become more productive. It seems I have always taken on more responsbilities than I probably should and I have enjoyed learning how to better use my time. Some say it is a sickness (it very well may be), but reading about, thinking about and implementing productivity ideas is an addictive hobby I have enjoyed for a number of years. I’ve always been great at wasting time and being behind on projects and deadlines, so I am always looking for ways to do a better job at doing my various jobs. Admittedly, blogging can be the bain of my productivity and it can also been a boon to it. I probably have far too many blog feeds in my reader to give any solid serious reading to all of them, and when I try to read most of them, I find I’ve spent a bit more time than I should have – curiosity can kill time quickly. However, I do have a few blogs and sites that feed my appetitie for learning more about productivity and some of the latest ideas on how to stay focused and productive at work. Learning new productivity techniques is a time-wasting hobby I enjoy. Here are a number of productivity blogs I have been following and found a number of their articles to be helpful. Give them a look over (if you have the time) and see if there are not a few ideas that might help you become more productive. 43 Folders LifeDev... read more

Mohler on Biographies

Dr. Mohler suggests a number of must read biographies.  They will no doubt soon be on my reading list. Ten Great Christian Biographies read more

Cap-cation – Day 2

So, we’re being very successful at doing very little but resting and enjoying one another and God’s good creation. We found a nice little spot at Capistrano Beach cleverly called the Capistrano Beach Resort. It’s not the newest facility and shows a little wear and tear, but as for the view from our second floor junior suite – it’s pretty fantastic and VERY relaxing. The hotel is a short walk from a good Italian restaurant we ate at last night and from a Mexican food place we’ll try out today. We seem to be in somewhat of a rut when it comes to eating. We’ve had Mexican for lunch each day and Italian for dinner each night. I suppose some may call that a rut – I tend to think of it as heavenly. Last night we took a short stroll from our hotel down to the beach where the waves are swelling and capping at around six to seven feet. I wish it were possible to capture on film what we are seeing. Today the weather reports say the waves should get to anywhere from 10 to 15 feet. It is a tad breezy here – but sunny and the temps are great (at least for me -Kel prefers 105 in August in Palm Springs) – mid sixties to low 70s. I only mention the temps for the sake of my mom and dad who I hear had some snow on Easter Sunday. Wish they were here with us. Our little one is doing so very well. We took her out for a stroll on the beach and... read more


The Caps are on vacation.  I normally split up the two weeks I have for vacation each year.  By April, just after Easter, I am normally ready for a breather – but two weeks away from normality, would probably drive both Kel and I crazy – we both actually thrive on a busy schedule.  So, a week away from the press of the schedule is a helpful respite that will allow us a minute to rest and help us rev-up again for the normal busyness.  We’ll probably take a second week in August, close to our anniversary. This is the one week of the two in the year that Kel and I use the time to actually rest.  Normally, it takes me a day or two to unwind and allow my mind to come off of a schedule driven mindset, so it’s starting to sink in now. I plan to read through a few books I’ve been wanting to peruse, eat at a few nice restaurants and most enjoyably, sleep in a few time this week. Currently, we’re in San Clemente, CA.  I’ve never been here before, but am enjoying it immensely.   Kel’s grandparents joined us yesterday and took us to a fantastic Italian restaurant downtown.  Today, our plan:  to chill.  We are right off of the coast and the weather could not be more perfect.  I could never live this close to the beach – I would never accomplish much, for sitting out on the deck and listening to the waves while cat-napping, drinking a Cherry-coke and doing some light reading. In the next few days, we’ll... read more

The Love of God

This evening I will preach Romans 5:6-11 in a final message on the effects of our justification. Taking the advice of a popular pastor and author, C. J. Mahaney, I took some time to read a sermon by Charles Spurgeon on a portion of the text I will preach. Here’s are two selections from Spurgeon’s sermon, “Love’s Commendation,” a sermon on Romans 5:8 delivered Sunday morning, November 23, 1856 in the Royal Surray Gardens Music Hall.On the phrase, God demontrates His love toward us If I might be allowed to picture in my imagination (and mark, it is nothing more than imagination), I could almost conceive a parliament in heaven. The angels are assembled; the question is proposed to them:”Cherubim and seraphim, cohorts of the glorified, ye spirits that like flames of fire, swift at my bidding fly; ye happy beings, whom I have created for my honour! here is a question which I condescend to offer for your consideration:Man has sinned; there is no way for his pardon but by some one suffering and paying blood for blood. Who shall it be?” I can conceive that there was silence throughout the august assembly. Gabriel spoke not: he would have stretched his wings and flapped the ether in a moment, if the deed had been possible; but he felt that he could never bear the guilt of a world upon his shoulders, and, therefore, still he sat. And there the mightiest of the mighty, those who could shake a world if God should will it, sat still, because they felt all powerless to accomplish redemption. I do not conceive... read more

Baptist Associations

Nathan Finn publishes a series of posts on Baptist Associations worth reading and considering: What Does It Mean for Local Baptist Churches to Associate Together? Models of Baptist Associationalism The Rationale for Baptist Associations More Associational... read more



Worth Your Time

C.J., Lig, Al, Mark, et. al. Mark Dever and Company John Piper John MacArthur Phil Johnson and Friends the same says it all.