The Ever-Changing Charts of Evolution

Archeologists in the former Soviet republic of Georgia are said to have found a skull of a pre-human ancestor, driving back the evolutionary charts for human existence in Europe by at least a million years. I wonder why it is that the more they dig and the more they find, the more the dogmaticians of atheistic archeology must change their infalliable scientific conclusions? Here’s another link in the missing evidence for...

John Roberts and Religious Freedom

Christopher Levenick published an interesting article today at The Weekly Standard detailing the differences of Sandra O’Connor and John Roberts in relationship to the establishment clause in the Constitution. Interesting...

Harvard’s A-Priori

Harvard University is preparing to throw its financial and intellectual weight into the evolution debate. Over the next few years, the university plans to spend 1 million dollars each year toward discovering the origins of mankind. According to the report linked above, the university appears to be looking at more logical conclusions, not merely scientific conclusions. Consider the following quote: “My expectation is that we will be able to reduce this to a very simple series of logical events that could have taken place with no divine intervention,” said David R. Liu, a professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard. Ah, yes. This is once again a perfect example of the Objectivity of Science Cult. Our minds are already made up before we begin. We are not seeking objective evidence. We are seeking evidence with an a-priori stance that there is no intelligent designer behind our world’s existence. Before a dollar is even spent, Harvard’s study is already flawed. Harvard has just given a group of evolutionists a very big credit card for a study in which the outcome has already been...

Interesting Posts from The Past Week

I have been away at a plannig retreat with the other two pastors I serve with – therefore, no blogging since Wednesday. However, here are a few tidbits from the week that I enjoyed reading and considered (but didn’t) blogging about: Professor and pastor, Jim Hamilton, posted a great discussion on elders in Southern Baptist Churches. Some Christian rock music artists (??) seem to be too hard or seedy to gain the blessing of the already theologically loose Christian music gurus. Don’t worry guys, CCM will eventually capitualate to just about anything that wants to call itself Christian. Rick Warren thinks that the recent separation of the Southern Baptist Convention from the Baptist World Alliance was done in error. Rick doesn’t want to separate from anyone. His new reformation seeks to bring all Christians together. Al Mohler posts some great commentary on expository preaching. Part 1 Part 2 Part...