Thoughts From the Study

Here’s a few excerpts from my personal reading as of late: “[The cross] was a stumbling block to the self-righteous Jews, and foolishness to the philosphical Greeks; but to those who received it to the salvation of their sould, it was Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. it was not Christ transfigured on Mount Tabor; not Christ stilling the tempest, and raising the dead; not Christ rising triumphantly from the grave, and ascending gloriously, amdist shouts of attendant angels, to his throne in the highest heavens: but Christ on the cross, expiring in darkness and woe, that the first preachers of the Gospel delighted to exhibit to the faith of their hearers. This was their Gospel; its centre, and its glory. it was faith in this Gospel that controlled the hearts of their converts, and made them ready to die for him who had, by his death, procured for them eternal life. In this faith they exclaimed, ‘God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ To this they referred when they said, “I am crucifiec with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” – John L. Dagg – Manual of Theology, 213. “No higher motive to holiness can be needed, than that which proceeds from the cross.” Dagg, 218. “So God sustains the caracter of a righteous Judge; and soone than disregard the claims of law,...

Brokeback Backlash?

Brokeback Backlash? Annie Proulx Speaks Her (Very Angry) Mind Al Mohler posts some facinating quotations from Annie Proulx and her despair that the homosexual agenda did not get the ratings she was hoping for (demanding?). Read these quotes regarding the Homosexual community’s outraget that “their” movie did not garner the Best Picture Academy Award. How unique- she’s upset with Hollywood because they did not support her agenda. Her take is that L.A. is too conservative. CONSERVATIVE?? Has she ever lived here? If L.A. and the movie industry she is criticizing is too conservative, I would hate to see a culture dominated by what she feels is moderate or worse liberal. BTW, Newsweek had an interesting blurb about how poorly Brokeback did at the box office. Maybe the Academy isn’t too conservative, they just made a distinction between the Homosexual agenda and the actual merits of the...

Free Market Forced Into Liberalism

Wal-Mart bows to pressure, to stock abortion-causing drug – (BP) No longer can a retail store determine for itself the products it will offer. No longer is it merely the market that will drive retailers to choose the products it will sell. No longer can a company publicly hold or advocate politically incorrect positions through the products they choose to sell or not sell. At least not in Illinois and Massachusettes. These states have already required Wal-Mart to carry an emergency contraceptive pill popularly pushed by pro-abortionists. Wal-Mart was one major retail company that did not initially give in to the pressure to sell the pill. Now Wal-Mart has reversed their previously held priority. It could be that there were so many women wanting to have abortions, that Wal-Mart caved to the financial benefits they were sacrificing by not carrying the stylish pill. Instead, they decided to get into the monetary boon and begin carrying the pill, and pass the blame on to state legislatures that were waiting in the wings to force them to do it anyway. Perhaps, but doubtful. With South Dakota’s decision to challenge Roe v. Wade, and Wal-Mart’s decision to make abortion more convenient, the culture war over this issue may soon reach a new intensity. But Wal-Mart’s decision is even more troublesome. Now the state is legislating what must be sold in the market. This cannot be a good sign for American Democracy and free...