Tweets for 2011-12-24

These songs NEED to be on your Christmas playlist! Well written-catching both theology AND passion of Ch… #iTunes # Another for your Christmas playlist-Enfield's newest release, "God of God," is excellent! #iTunes # I say if the 2 year old gets into his Christmas gift too early-then you just have to go outside and play with it with him. # One more recent Christmas album you should own: Keith and Kristyn Getty's "Joy-An Irish Christmas." #iTunes # likes God of God by Enfield on Ping #iTunes # "About the Birth of Jesus"-Matt 1:18-25-if we really know who He is, what affect will it have? Eagerly anticipating our worship! # Thrilled to have Clem and Carrie H with us today-sharing about their ministry. Welcome home! # "Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him."-all time fav hymn! # CHIEFS!! Seriously? Green Bay's only loss? Excellent! Love it. # What a Sunday? What's in the air? # RT @DawsonBryant: Bret with his staff gift; yes, we have connections in Cupertino. an AMAZING staff!!! # Amen! Have Mercy, Lord. #iTunes # likes Joy – An Irish Christmas by Keith & Kristyn Getty on Ping #iTunes # likes The Gathering: Live from WorshipGod11 by Sovereign Grace Music on Ping #iTunes # Don't tell them, but I'm headed down to the basement to start putting the kids Christmas gift together-may not finish til New Years....

Tweets for 2011-12-03

Meditating on Psalm 1 and listening to the music we will sing tomorrow has stoked my soul-can't wait to gather with SWBC tomorrow! # I thought it was very big of MU to hold back in the first 1/2 and make it interesting. # Kel just finished with some of the Christmas decor for 2011-love her style: # Here's her new tree # Starting to look and feel like Christmas time around here: # Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.

Tweets for 2011-11-26

I won't say a word-not one word. # So looking forward to gathering with the SWBC family today! # Every generation shall sing Your worth And magnify Your mercy and Your grace! # You are greater than we can imagine You are too beautiful for us to fathom Oh, You are great,and greatly to be praised # So, we raise up holy hands To praise the Holy One Who was and is, and is to come. # A new song today: Eternal God, unchanging Mysterious and unknown Your boundless love, unfailing In grace and mercy shown # Our cold and ruthless enemy, his pleasure is our harm Rise up, O Lord, and he will flee before our sovereign God # Come to this fountain so rich and sweet, Cast thy poor soulat the Savior’s feet; Plunge in today, and be made complete; Glory to His Name! # Your blood has washed away my sin…The Father’s wrath completely satisfied…Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table-Jesus, thank You # Whew! # All the earth rejoice Your Creator reigns As the only awesome God The Alpha and the Omega Who was, is, and is to come # All the world rejoice For the baby comes As a humble prince in the night The Word made flesh, Emmanuel The Everlasting Light # Let the warmth of heaven reach the coldest heart With the gospel of His grace For His heel will bruise the serpent’s head-Rejoice! # Come, people of the Risen King, Who delight to bring Him praise; Come all and tune your hearts to sing To the Morning Star...

Tweets for 2011-11-05

Bummer Aggies-blown leads too many times this season. 2 Texas teams beaten by 2 MO teams this weekend; what's a transplant to do? # I uploaded a @YouTube video A Fun Fall Day! # Worth the read: A Fun Fall Day! # Come, people of the Risen King, Who delight to bring Him praise; Come all and tune your hearts to sing To the Morning Star of grace. # @demsbad I'm looking forward to that-hopefully in MO-maybe I can even attend that game-one lone fan clad in crimson red amidst the black 😉 in reply to demsbad # Come, those whose joy is morning sun And those weeping through the night Come those who tell of battles won And those struggling in the fight # Come, young and old from every land -Men and women of the faith; Come, those with full or empty hands -Find the riches of His grace # My soul finds rest in God alone My rock and my salvation A fortress strong against my foes And I will not be shaken # O praise Him, hallelujah My Delight and my Reward Everlasting, never failing My Redeemer, my God # Though riches come and riches go Don't set your heart upon them The fields of hope in which I sow Are harvested in heaven # Find rest my soul, in God alone Amid the world's temptations When evil seeks to take a holdI 'll cling to my salvation # I'll set my gaze on God alone And trust in Him completely With ev'ry day pour out my soul And He will prove His...