Do You Do Daily Planning

Matthew Cornell makes an excellent post regarding his recent two week experiment on planning his day the night before.  Good mixture of Covey and GTD stuff on Matt’s site. A Daily Planning Experiment: Two Weeks Of Accountable Rigorous Action | Matthew Cornell – Personal Productivity Workflow...

E-Mail and the Ordinary Pastor

A few weeks ago, I linked to and posted a question about how to handle e-mail clutter. I think it is safe to assume that the vast majority of modern and ordinary pastors deal with e-mail and thus they deal with the clutter that comes with it. A significant portion of my conversation with a variety of people takes place via e-mail. I am fully aware of the possible impersonal downside to ministry by e-mail. However, we should probably be slow to chide conversation by e-mail (For a humorous take on this see HERE). Long before the advent of the telephone and well before cars could take us a few hundred miles in a round trip visit within a day, pastors and people in general used to correspond and communicate via letter.  E-mail, if done thoughtfully and handled carefully could be a good means of carrying on helpful, engaging, fruitful conversation – but that sounds like different post for a different month. While I don’t want to suggest that phone calls are unimportant or a hand written note is not valuable, I simply want to say – don’t discount e-mail as a valid and helpful means of communication. So, how do I handle e-mail and use it for the benefit of an ordinary pastor’s ministry? My approach is my approach. I neither commend it or suggest it as THE most helpful means of dealing with electronic correspondence. I’m open to help and helpful recommendations. But, then again, I am but an ordinary pastor. Here’s some thoughts: Keys to Quicker Responses and Clean In-Box Those who know me well, know...

Pastoral Testimony Working with a VA

Here’s a testimony from a pastor who employed a virtual assistant.  I don’t doubt that this will become more of a reality on a wider scale in ministry as well as business in the near future. Working with a Virtual Assistant : W. David Phillips – missional. theological....