Paper or Keyboard?

Do you prefer paper or a processor to keep track of your ‘to-do’ lists?  Here’s a few arguments for paper. Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive Six More Reasons to Use a Paper To Do List...

Are You On Time?

Do you watch your time?  This article suggests that one of the primary keys to being successful in business is being on time.  What do you think? [ Successful People Are On Time...

Are You Being Very Productive

Since my college days (some 14 years since graduating with my bachelors) I have been interested in learning how to become more productive. It seems I have always taken on more responsbilities than I probably should and I have enjoyed learning how to better use my time. Some say it is a sickness (it very well may be), but reading about, thinking about and implementing productivity ideas is an addictive hobby I have enjoyed for a number of years. I’ve always been great at wasting time and being behind on projects and deadlines, so I am always looking for ways to do a better job at doing my various jobs. Admittedly, blogging can be the bain of my productivity and it can also been a boon to it. I probably have far too many blog feeds in my reader to give any solid serious reading to all of them, and when I try to read most of them, I find I’ve spent a bit more time than I should have – curiosity can kill time quickly. However, I do have a few blogs and sites that feed my appetitie for learning more about productivity and some of the latest ideas on how to stay focused and productive at work. Learning new productivity techniques is a time-wasting hobby I enjoy. Here are a number of productivity blogs I have been following and found a number of their articles to be helpful. Give them a look over (if you have the time) and see if there are not a few ideas that might help you become more productive. 43 Folders LifeDev...