The Southern Baptist Convention Must Change or Die

Tom Ascol of Founder’s Ministries comments on Albert Mohler’s foundational address on the future of the Southern Baptist Convention.  The comments are also worth reading through.  Link to Dr. Mohler’s address from here if you have yet to see/hear it. Founders Ministries Blog: The Southern Baptist Convention Must Change or...

Uninstalling Applications on a Mac

O.K., here’s where Windows does seem to outshine Mac – uninstalling a program.  Windows has a great “uninstall” feature that cleans up the system when you want to remove a program.  Mac is limited here.  Check out this article for some help. Uninstalling Applications |...

Prayer and Predestination

A conversation on prayer, providence, and predestination.  If God is sovereign, why pray? Prayer and Predestination :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library. HT:  Thabiti...