Ed Stetzer on Multicultural Churches

Ed Stetzer notes that multi-ethnic is not necessarily the same thing as multi-cultural.  Stetzer blazes through (wow he talks fast) issues related to being a truly multi-cultural church. Question, if you are in fact reaching the people in the community of which your local church resides (whether it is multi-ethnic or not), are you a single-cultural church and is that then bad?  I’m going to watch the video again to focus on how a single congregation in Hemet, California can be multi-cultural. adrianwarnock.com: VIDEO – Ed Stetzer Interview – Contextualization and Multicultural...

Video: Mark Dever Interviewed By Ed Stetzer

This is a great video interview with Mark Dever.  Thank God for him.  He spoke so very clearly and kept the Gospel at the center of the conversation and did it in such a way that any offense would be the content of his message rather than his personality.  Ed Stetzer did an excellent job in the interview.  This being my first time to really hear Stetzer, I have a greater appreciation for him. You need to watch these two videos – excellent discussion on the gospel and the seeker/culture driven approach to ministry. Video: Mark Dever Interviewed By Ed Stetzer At The Whiteboard Conference | Said at Southern...