Why the BF&M is Sufficient But Not Comprehensively So

The debate over the Executive Committee statement regarding the Baptist Faith and Message is being hotly debated in the blogosphere since its adoption this past week. For some interesting reading regarding the ways this adopted statement is being viewed, the dialogue at Wade Bruleson’s blog and Hershael York’s blog will provide some helpful information. Here’s the statement as it was adopted: “The Baptist Faith and Message is neither a creed, nor a complete statement of our faith, nor final and infallible; nevertheless, we further acknowledge that it is the only consensus statement of doctrinal beliefs approved by the Southern Baptist Convention and such is sufficient in its current form to guide trustees in their establishment of policies and practices of entities of the Convention.” What I Think Is Good About This Statement The statement reflects what Baptists do indeed believe about confessional statements: they are not creedal statements that bear authoritative weight over local churches and they do not address every possible element of what Baptists (or Christians) believe. The BF&M is not the final and only word on key doctrinal issues limiting debate or discussion, nor is it an infallible statement (such is reserved for Scripture). Also, the BF&M is indeed “the only consensus statement of doctrinal beliefs approved by the SBC.” We have a statement of which local churches can affirm historic Christian doctrinal truths and particular issues that make us Baptisticly unique from other denominations and religious groups. In fact, in our church we have every potential member read this statement and in a pastoral interview, ask them if there is any area of disagreement or...

Convention Activities

Since arriving home from San Antonio, I was like many pastors who attended the Convention: behind. So, I have done little to post my thoughts and reflections on the convention. Though behind, I have been watching the SBC blogosphere and taking interest in the discussions. I hate to say it but I’m better educated post-convention than pre. I do plan to do all I can to be at the Convention each year. There is much for which to be present. I also plan to keep myself more abreast of what is happening. I glance at Baptist Press each day as it is e-mailed to me, but haven’t been reading it closely. I syndicated few SBC bloggers until yesterday when I populated my Feedreader with 23 that I plan to keep up with. Though I’ve been behind on my real world life (pastor as opposed to Convention Watcher), I plan to give a brief report to our congregation this evening, and tomorrow I hope to post a review of the week from my personal perspective, and also a review of what I think about the Baptist Faith and Message statement that was adopted. I do this for the sake of those in our congregation who read this blog and have interest on what is going on within the world of the...