This Explains the 11 Police Cars

Our local paper notes today that there was an arrest spree held yesterday in the city of San Jacinto. Now we know what was going on when eleven police cars and officers in full-blown military garb descended on the house across from our church offices (this is the second time). Our church sits in a very interesting location. The south sides of our property is surrounded by new homes and a middle class neighborhood. The north side of the property (where our office is) is surrounded by crime infested homes and lower income families. We enjoy the ministry position God has providentially provided. Before the church bought the property to the north, the home that now houses our office was frequented by police drug raids. The gospel knows no limits in who it can reach. And we value reaching out with its liberating power to those who have been enslaved by materialism and those who are chained by drugs and gangs. May God grant us compassionate hearts and ready tongues to spread the Word of Truth in our very needy...

Cable TV Caters to Homosexuality

While it is not the first cable station to target homosexuals, the new Logo cable TV channel is the first to be sponsored by a major media conglomerate. The executives behind the launch of Logo promise that their new channel devoted to extolling homosexuality with be “family friendly.” Who is behind the launch of this new channel in cable entertainment? Why, none other than the bastions of family friendly cable entertainment: MTV, of course. The providers of wholesome family fun as Beavis and his unmentionable friend and The Osbornes, now want to provide a new channel for your whole family to enjoy. The verbal attacks on Christianity were not hidden in the news article referenced: One homosexual satelite channel operator stated, “I don’t think anybody has become more tolerant of gay people. The Christian right still says we’re going to be condemned and we’re going to be in hell.” Interesting. Islam, orthodox Judaism, and most other major world religions would reject homosexuality as a morally acceptable lifestyle. Why only single out conservative Christianity? Hmm. Will this be a channel dominated by sex? Logo says they will tread lightly here and make their entertainment more about life than merely the bedroom. I bet I’m not the only one skeptical. Not even the mainstream media can provide programming that is not tained with sexually explicit material. It is hard to believe that a segment of society that is defined by a specific sexual orientation will not be dominated by sexually explicit material. This channel celebrating an enslaving sin reminds us of how much more we need to aggressively make known the...

The Clinton Conundrum

Being a lover of presidential politics, past and present, I enjoyed reading former Clinton aide Dick Morris’ description on the differences between Bill and Hillary. Justin Taylor’s blog alerted me to the article.

Stem Cell Theology

Please read today’s blog by Albert Mohler regarding the New York Times’ editorial on The President’s Stem Cell Theology. The editorial is another interesting read in how pluralism desires to be inclusive of virtually everything other than...

The Joylessness of Christlessness

The land that once produced the puritans, the Wesley’s, Whitfield, Spurgeon, Lloyd-Jones and other colossal names in Christian circles has lost her joy. The referenced report is an interesting read, especially when one considers that Great Britain is a country given to the application of modern liberalism, where once she was the propagator of the gospel to the world. This secularized country now faces the results of Christlessness: joylessness. “Money worries, relationship woes and even political concerns were among the reasons given for the collection of grim faces, according to the data, collected for the cruise company Ocean Village.” Rather than examining the ramifications of Britain’s social issues, the group researching England’s joy attributed their sorrow to: “Factors such as weather, time of day and age, were all cited as being able to spark the blues.” What about England’s measured move away from the Bible, the gospel and the Lordship of Christ? While no secular survey would turn up such causes to unhappiness, it should come as no surprise to those who know the strength of the joy of the Lord. “Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4. “I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches.” Psalm 119:14 “I have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.” Psalm 119:111 “I rejoice at Your word, as one who finds great spoil.” Psalm 119:162 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Philippians...