Blogging Hiatus

For my faithful band of four readers, I apologize for the hiatus from THE CAPRANICA.  I spent the week last week doing research for my doctoral project.  I will probably be taking another week to continue research for the project next week. I am also in a planning session with my other pastors (yesterday and today) and have a ton of financial work to do for our church in the next few days, as well as prepare for Sunday.  So, my aim is to put up a few posts on preaching and try to link n the Short Caps section some items I’ve found interesting.  Happy...

IE 7 Available

I tried a beta of IE 7 and ended up going back to Firefox.  I will no doubt download the new one and check it out, but my workhorse remains the better browser – Firefox. Microsoft releases new IE Web browser – Yahoo!...

Pimpin’ Archives

Can I really say that word and be taken seariously? I just finished installing Extended Live Archives as the new format for meandering through THE CAPRANICA’s previous posts and categories. The new format will help me search through and retrieve the vast amounts of valuable material located here in the smallest amount of time and with the greatest of ease. Another reason why WordPress whips Blogger. I am still in the process of processing all of my posts under categories. I have 439 posts on this blog and still 197 of them yet to be categorized....

Blog Responding

Andreas Kostenberger has a few thoughts on interpreting and responding to the blogosphere. Biblical Foundations » Hermeneutics in the Blogosphere: The Genre of...