The New Universist Religion

Read today’s blog by Dr. Mohler on the new “Universist” religion developed by University of Alabama student, Ford Vox (Item two in Mohler’s blog today). His religion seems to be the religious organization of postmodern thought. What is facinating to me is not that his group already boasts 7500 members, but that the group’s aim in developing “fellowship” between those who absolutely reject absolute truth is already very appealing with even so-called “Christian” groups. “Whatever works for you,” is the mantra of postmodern religious belief. Truth is liquid in the realm of reality. Mr. Vox has not developed a new religion. Actually, he has simply begun to organize one that already exists, even among many professing...

Seeker Gymnastics

Dan Southerland, “the leading expert on implementing the Purpose Driven paradigm in existing churches”, writes a recent article published on the popular “” website, entitled, “Seeker semantics.” According to Pastor Southerland, there is a chief difference between “Seeker Driven” churches and “Seeker Sensitive” services. “Seeker Driven” are those weekend church services that make “winning the seeker” the main goal. To accomplish this goal and emphasis “they’ve added contemporary music, topical teachings, videos, drama and multi-media – all of which are good methods – to their focus on the seeker. Since the goal of the weekend service in such models is to reach the seeker, worship time is reduced, performed music is used more than participatory music, and the teaching is kept ultra light in its topic and tone.” Southerland offers no examples of current “Seeker Driven” churches and the tone of his article assumes that Purpose Driven Churches are NOT “Seeker Driven” churches. “Seeker Sensitive” services, according to Southerland, are distinctly different from “Seeker Driven” churches in that, “The purpose is still for the family of God to meet together, to worship and to be fed.” “Seeker Sensitive” church services have merely changed their awareness of who is present and they adopt appropriate manners for seekers who may be present. This is fascinating! Why? Because Dan Southerland, “the leading expert on implementing the Purpose Driven paradigm in existing churches”, has just re-written the best selling Purpose Driven Church (PDC) paradigm. Consider Rick Warren’s comments in PDC: “Each week at Saddleback, we remind ourselves who we’re trying to reach. . . . Once you know your target, it will determine...

The Singing Spurgeon

While studying and meditating on Psalm 95 in preparation for preaching on this Psalm, I appreciated Spurgeon’s comment: It is to be feared that very much even of religious singing is not unto the Lord, but unto the ear of the congregation: above all things we must in our service of song take care that all we offer is with the heart’s sincerest and most fervent intent directed towards the Lord himself. From The Treasury of David, Vol 2, 164. – a good reminder for our preparation for corporate...