Rednecks, Turnbuckles, and the Lord Jesus Christ | Resurgence

Christians egaging the culture – o.k.  Christians linking Christ to professional wrestling?  Hmmm.  Where will this lead?  I really don’t have any problems with professional wrestling.  What kid didn’t watch it growing up?  Who hasn’t ateempted to send your best friend to purgatory through a pile driver?  I also don’t have a problem with using various popular means of making the gospel known, as long as it is in fact the gospel that is up front and not the means.  I’m simply afraid in our attempts to be relevant to the culture with our preaching the gospel, we’ve emphasized the culture to the minimizing of the gospel.
Mark Driscoll’s suggestion, “We may end up with a whole new denomination of preachers in spandex pants with mullets doing a lot of Old Testament exegesis followed by heavy metal worship and Wonder bread for communion. But as long as they love Jesus, it’s all good,” seems to pin the gospel underneath medium.  I suppose this kind of missional thinking would use Acts 17 as a model?  Is this what the apostles did – they took whatever was popular and created a Christian version, tacking a few words about Jesus, sin, heaven and hell on the end?  If that is missional, I think I’ll stick to biblical.  Christians engaging their culture with Christ is one thing.  This looks more like clothing a mimimalist version of Christ with the culture.