Preparing for Sunday – Numbers

Preparing for Sunday – Numbers

Carefully Think The biblical book of Numbers has several of the most memorable scenes from Israel”™s early days after the Exodus. Read through the following sections and see if you can summarize the main idea and list any principles that you think would apply to God”™s people in general: Numbers 11 Numbers 12 Numbers 13-14 Numbers 16 Numbers 20 Numbers 21-25 Prayerfully Meditate The New Testament mentions a number of sections found in the book of Numbers. Read each passage and see if you can find where in Numbers the New Testament author is referring to and what the corresponding lesson for Christians is. John 3:1-15 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Hebrews 3:7-4:16 Intentionally Act From what you have read in the passages above, what sin needs to be acknowledged before God? What elements of praise should you express to Him? For what can you be specifically grateful in light of what you have been meditating upon from Numbers? Pray for those who will attend this Sunday and do not personally know the saving work of Christ. Pray their hearts will be opened to His mercy and changed through the Spirit”™s conviction. Pray that God”™s people will be appropriately challenged and encouraged, equipped to serve Christ well. Pray for those leading the service on Sunday (Dawson Bryant, music; Mark Krystyniak, prayer and Scripture reading, Bret Capranica, teaching). Pray that they will assist the congregation in acceptable praise to Christ. Pray for the others who will also be assisting to ensure our worship honors Christ (instrumentalists, visual and audio techs, ushers, etc.). Meditate on the lyrics of the songs for Sunday and...
Preparing for Sunday – Leviticus

Preparing for Sunday – Leviticus

Carefully Think Read through Leviticus 1-5 and make a list of the various offerings Israel was to give. What was the role of the priest? What did the one making the offering have to do? What was the overarching reason for all of the offerings? Read Leviticus 10. What was Nadab and Abihu”™s failure? What does this suggest about God? What does it suggest about people and their approach to God”™s commands? Read Leviticus 16. What is the main theme of this chapter? Who”™s sin was covered? How? What do you learn about how sin is atoned for in this chapter? Read Leviticus 18-20. What is the overarching motive mentioned over and over that should move the Israelites to obedience? Prayerfully Meditate According to Leviticus, how much of life was treated as worship? What does this suggest about how God”™s people should think about life? According to Leviticus how do you know that God took public worship so seriously? What does it suggest to us about our approach to worshiping God? Read Hebrews 8-10. In what ways is Jesus the fulfillment of what you read in Leviticus? Read Matthew 5-6. In what ways is Jesus the fulfillment of what you read in Leviticus? What should the most significant effect of Leviticus be on your approach to worship this Sunday? Intentionally Act What areas of sin have been brought to your mind in contemplating Leviticus and its affect on worship and life? Confess those specifically to God in prayer. Respond in prayer to God for what you have learned from Leviticus and Hebrews (mentioned above) and the role Jesus plays...
Preparing for Sunday-Baptism Makes a Church

Preparing for Sunday-Baptism Makes a Church

Our sermon this Sunday will be on the subject of baptism as a defining marker of what makes a church.  As you prepare for Sunday consider the following: Carefully Think Read through Romans 6:1-11.  What is the main theme of this section? How do you know? Read through Romans 6:3-5. What do these verses emphasize in relation to the main idea of 6:1-11? Why does Paul use the word “baptize” in relation to our salvation? Does he have in mind water baptism? Spirit baptism? Some combination? How can  you tell? In your understanding, what is the purpose for water baptism? Read through Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21; Acts 22:16; Acts 2:37-41. What relationship does baptism have to conversion? Prayerfully Meditate Have you been baptized? If so, When? Where? Why? If not, why not? Who should be baptized according to the verses you have read above?  Conversely, from what you learn from the verses above, who should not be baptized and why? How important is baptism to the Christian life? Remember what you have read in relation to baptism and how it fits with Romans 6:1-11.  Consider what Matthew 28:18-20 suggests. Actively Respond If you are a Christian and show the evidence of internal regeneration, but you have not been baptized, why not? Is this a biblical reason? Why would you delay openly professing your faith. Schedule a time to talk with one of the elders about this. What about children who profess faith? According to Romans 6:3-5 what is true about a person”™s soul and what is baptism depicting. Do you see specific evidence of such a radical regeneration...
Preparing for Sunday-Revelation 5:11-14

Preparing for Sunday-Revelation 5:11-14

Carefully Think What is the main idea of Revelation 5:11-14 How is Jesus specifically exalted? What characteristics of Christ are specifically mentioned? Why do those who exalt Jesus do so with such exuberance? What has he done (in this context) that causes their worship? Prayerfully Meditate Use the list of Jesus”™ characteristics in personally exalting Christ in a time of prayer (personally, and with your family, or a group of fellow Christians). Meditate on the lyrics of this Sunday”™s songs (see a link below).  How do these lyrics help exalt Jesus in unique ways? Lyrics for Sunday Morning Morning service march 6, 2011 View more presentations from Summit Woods Baptist Church. Actively Respond Read the passage (Revelation 5:11-14) with your family (or someone else) this Saturday evening or Sunday morning before coming to church. Pray specifically for those who will attend the service, that all of our hearts will be tuned into what this passage is saying to all of us as a congregation. Pray specifically for those who will be leading us in our worship service (musicians, elders, staff, etc.).  Ask that they be spiritually and mentally prepared for leading us in worship. How could this Sunday”™s passage impact the way you interact with people? Pray that you will be sensitive in how you could serve others who are gathered together with us this...
Preparing for Sunday -Revelation 5:6-10

Preparing for Sunday -Revelation 5:6-10

Carefully Think what is the main idea of Revelation 5:6-10? make a list of what you learn about Jesus that makes him distinct from everything else in the passage list what you find to be expression of unique attributes (characteristics) of Jesus What does the passage suggest about the centrality of redemption? In what ways? How/why is Jesus uniquely worthy to take the scroll and open the seals? Prayerfully Meditate how should these attributes and positions of Jesus affect your prayers? meditate on the lyrics to this Sunday”™s songs and consider what we are saying about the worthiness of Jesus What aspects of our redemption are we singing about this Sunday? How have you expressed your gratitude for God”™s saving grace to redeem you? How have  you taken it for granted? Lyrics for Sunday's Songs Morning service february 27, 2011 View more presentations from Summit Woods Baptist Church Actively Respond Read the passage with your family either Saturday evening or Sunday morning before coming to church. Talk with your family, wife, or a friend about the various elements you see in the passage that make Jesus uniquely worthy Pray for our gathering this Sunday morning.  How should this passage affect how you engage in praying, singing, listening, and fellowshipping? Ask God to make you sensitive to those around you who have needs and who need to see how worthy Jesus is. Ask God to make you sensitive in how you could contribute in conversation, prayer, and helping others through the...