Preparing for Sunday – Numbers (part 2)

Preparing for Sunday – Numbers (part 2)

Carefully Think Think back through what we discussed last week in Numbers 1-25 and the illustrations of Israel”™s mere external obedience (1-10) and their growing internal unfaithfulness (11-25). What glimpses of God”™s mercy and faithfulness to them were evident, even in their judgment and discipline? Read through Numbers 26-36 and summarize the major ideas that you see here. Which generation of Israelites are they being given to? Why would they need to hear these things again? Prayerfully Meditate The New Testament mentions a number of sections found in the book of Numbers.  Read each passage below and see if you can discover where in Numbers the New Testament author is referring and what is the corresponding lesson for a Christian. John 3:1-15 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Hebrews 3:7-4:16 How has God demonstrated specific acts of grace and mercy to you this past week? How has he treated you in regard to specific acts of sin you have committed against Him? How is God”™s faithfulness affecting you, especially in light of the times of unfaithfulness you have seen in your heart and life this past week? How should this affect your worship as we gather this Sunday? Intentionally Act Confess any sin you have been made aware of, reminding yourself of what Christ did on the cross to satisfy God”™s righteousness and what God has done to give you Christ”™s righteousness. Pray that you will be sensitive not only to any unfaithfulness in your heart, but especially to the faithful acts of God displayed in your life in unique and specific ways this past week. List them. Use these in an...
Cap-Review: The Glory of God

Cap-Review: The Glory of God

Cap-Review: The Glory of God from Bret Capranica on Vimeo. An Ordinary Pastor’s Brief Review of The Glory of God: Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson have blessed the church with a helpful volume in Crossway”™s “Theology in Community” series, entitled, The Glory of God.  The aim of the book is to ask and answer the question, “what does the Bible teach” about God”™s glory (20).  The editors seek a two pronged attack in achieving their aim.  Chapters 1-6 seek to “help us glorify God in our minds by focusing on biblical and theological truths related to his glory.  Chapters 7 and 8 help us rejoice in our hearts as they illuminate how these truths about God”™s glory shape our view and approach to the church, pastoral ministry, and missions” (21).  Nine different authors, all instructors at theological institutions, contribute to the volume.  The audience is intended to be college and seminary students and those pastors with such training (14). The book is arranged by addressing the subject of God”™s glory historically, then from the perspective of the Old Testament, New Testament, the Synoptic Gospels/Acts/General Epistles, John”™s Gospel/Revelation, and Paul”™s Epistles.  The book then contains a chapter on the overall theology of God”™s glory, and concludes with chapters on pastoral and missional implications of God”™s glory. I found the structure and arrangement of the book helpful.  Moving from an historical sweep to looking at how God”™s glory is described in detail from the Old Testament through the emphases in various New Testament genre, then to a more global evaluation of the biblical material, ending with more practical implications was...
Preparing for Sunday: Exodus 1-19

Preparing for Sunday: Exodus 1-19

Carefully Think Read through Exodus 1-19. As you read begin underlining and make a list of the actions you see from the following:  God (what does the text say he does), Moses (how does he respond to God, Israel, and Pharaoh), Pharaoh (how does he respond to Moses and God), and Israel (how do they respond to Moses and God). If you are limited for time, concentrate on the plague accounts of chapters 7-12.  What is the chief purpose behind God”™s bringing the plagues (pay attention to the “so that” phrases)? How would you summarize the theme of Exodus 1-19? Prayerfully Meditate What do you learn about how God works within the actions of people from reading Exodus 1-19?  What does this suggest is true about how God is presently working in our world and in your life? What do you learn from Israel”™s responses to Moses and God throughout these chapters? In what ways do we respond similarly or differently? What was God revealing to Moses, Israel, and Egypt about Himself? How should that impact you? Intentionally Act Pray in response to what you have learned from Exodus 1-19. What sin should you confess? How could you respond in unique praise for who God is? How would any of these lessons impact the way you are currently praying for others? Consider how what you have learned about God should impact the way you worship Him with God”™s people this Sunday. Write out a few responses. Pray for those in our gathering this Sunday who do not know Christ. Pray that they will see God”™s greatness and their need...
Preparing for Sunday: Genesis 32-50

Preparing for Sunday: Genesis 32-50

Carefully Think We didn”™t finish our tour of Genesis last week, so try and read through Genesis 32-50 and see if you can summarize each chapter”™s theme. As you read, look for and perhaps underline the activity you see God doing directly. Read again Genesis 50. Who was behind all of the negative events of Joseph”™s life? Think through this one carefully. What was Joseph”™s response to these circumstances and those involved? Prayerfully Meditate What lessons would you write down from what you have read in the latter part of Genesis (32-50)? How have you been responding to the events in your own life? How much like Joseph have your responses been ““ or unlike? Why? What is it that keeps you from responding like Joseph? What has helped your responses to resemble his that you could capitalize on even more? What lesson what God teaching the original writers of the book of Genesis? How should we apply that lesson today? Intentionally Act List unique events that have occurred in you or your family”™s life over the past year. Spend a moment meditating on how God has been involved and what you have learned about Him (and about yourself) through them. Spend some time in prayer, thanking God for His providence, confessing any sin for failed responses, seeking wisdom on how to respond to current issues unique to you. Pray for those in our gathering this week who do not know Christ. Pray that God will awaken their hearts through His word and bring them to the knowledge of Christ. Pray that the entire body will be strengthened in...

Piper’s Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, Free on Kindle

I downloaded the Kindle app for iPhone months ago. Until today I had yet to download a book.  I was looking for a free book that I would find interesting in order to test whether I would actually value reading a book on the iPhone.  Here it is. Suffering and the Sovereignty of God: John Piper, Justin Taylor: The Kindle...