Mid-Week Minutes 5.4.11

Mid-Week Minutes 5.4.11

Taking a few mid-week minutes to think about how to enhance our fellowship with each other. Books linked here: One-to-One Bible Reading, David Helm Reverberation, Jonathan Leeman Sermon Manuscript from Sunday, May 1, 2011 on Church Discipline What makes a church discipline matt 18.15-20 View more documents from Summit Woods Baptist...
What is a Church? A Community of the Converted

What is a Church? A Community of the Converted

Carefully Think Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. Paul writes to “the church of the Thessalonians.”  In the passage what are the characteristics of those who are in this church? Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 10. How does Paul describe the people of this church? Read the following: Acts 2:41, 47; 4:4; 5:13, 14; 11:21; 14:21-23. Who were members of the church? Prayerfully Meditate Biblically speaking, who should be members of a church? Who should not be members? If non-Christians are not members, then what role does the church play in their life? What should their relationship to the church be? How would issues like the Lord”™s supper, baptism, church discipline, and church government all be affected by who is and who is not actually a member of a church? Why does it matter who is or is not a member of a local church?  Why is this or is this not an important issue? Actively Respond Do you see the evidence of conversion in your life ““ the kind described in 1 Thessalonians 1?  How so? Why not? Pray for those who will be leading the church in our corporate gathering on Sunday. Pray that they will have a focused attention in leading the entire church in a biblical manner. Pray for all who will be involved in the service (instrumentalists, sound technicians, ushers, etc.). Pray that we will help to enhance people”™s affections for God this week in how we serve the body. Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will sing Sunday (found below). Listen to samples of the music we plan to sing (found below), or download...
Two 9 Marks Books You Need

Two 9 Marks Books You Need

9Marks is putting out some phenomenal material from their small army of excellent writers.  Two books I am especially looking forward to reading and using in future are Jonathan Leeman’s The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love and Greg Gilbert’s What is the Gospel? Here’s two interviews and links to purchase the book: Jonathan Leeman:  The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love Greg Gilbert: What Is the...