Make Leviticus practical. In Leviticus last week we said it covered 5 ways we live with God – or that He lives with us: sacrifice, mediation, purity, atonement, and holiness.  Jesus fulfills all of those. The sacrificial system made atonement very practical, vivid, and constant for the Jewish people. How can it be for us.

CJ Mahaney’s book, The Cross-Centered Life, suggests a few ways to preach the gospel to yourself regularly:

  • Memorize the gospel
  • Pray the gospel
  • Sing the gospel
  • Review the effects of the gospel
  • Study the Gospel

Books recommended in the video:

The Discipline of Grace, Jerry Bridges

The Cross-Centered Life, C.J. Mahaney

The Cross of Christ, John R. W. Stott