You can listen to this week’s sermon through our church”™s website:

How can you respond to this week”™s sermon?


  • Take some time this week to read through the breaking of the seven seals (Revelation 6:-8:1). Record what you learn that is unique about Jesus and his involvement in the initial stages of God”™s wrath revealed on the earth.
  • Read through Revelation 1-3 and make note of the differences between the vision of Jesus seen in these chapters and what you seen in Revelation 5-6.
  • Download the lyrics from this week”™s music and make a list of how we exalted the uniqueness of Jesus this week.
Download Song Lyrics pdf


  • Are there any ways in which you have minimized the supremacy of Jesus in the ways you have responded to situations in your life this week?
  • How could this message affect your attitude and thinking toward your own participation in our public worship gatherings?


  • Write down a few things that you learned from today”™s message or the main ideas that struck you and why.
  • Colossians is a book that describes the sufficiency of Jesus.  Take some time this week to read through its 4 chapters and write down what you see unique about Jesus and how he is uniquely sufficient for our needs.
  • Make a list of issue you are struggling with right now ““ or are unique challenges to you.  How could Jesus”™ sufficiency (from the list you created above) be a foundation for prayer and confidence to you?
  • Who could you talk with about this Sunday”™s message and how it impacted you? Schedule some time to sit down and talk with another Christian, or perhaps an interested non-Christian.
  • In the comments section, list any ways that you were personally helped by the message, or list any specific questions you had from the message.