Since arriving home from San Antonio, I was like many pastors who attended the Convention: behind. So, I have done little to post my thoughts and reflections on the convention. Though behind, I have been watching the SBC blogosphere and taking interest in the discussions. I hate to say it but I’m better educated post-convention than pre. I do plan to do all I can to be at the Convention each year. There is much for which to be present. I also plan to keep myself more abreast of what is happening. I glance at Baptist Press each day as it is e-mailed to me, but haven’t been reading it closely. I syndicated few SBC bloggers until yesterday when I populated my Feedreader with 23 that I plan to keep up with.

Though I’ve been behind on my real world life (pastor as opposed to Convention Watcher), I plan to give a brief report to our congregation this evening, and tomorrow I hope to post a review of the week from my personal perspective, and also a review of what I think about the Baptist Faith and Message statement that was adopted. I do this for the sake of those in our congregation who read this blog and have interest on what is going on within the world of the SBC.