Day 3 in Louisville

Day 3 in Louisville

What an enjoyable day it has been today at the SBC – primarily a day to celebrate the Lord’s goodness in the 150th anniversary of The Southern Baptist Convention. Our day began with the consideration of resolutions.  This is generally a very lively event as it is an opportunity for people with strong convictions to attempt to have the convention publicly agree with those convictions. The most notable resolutions of the day were: 1. The resolution addressing Barak Hussein Obama.  It was a good balanced resolution affirming Scripture’s call for us to pray for those in leadership over us.  It also acknowledged his obvious love and commitment to his wife and children.  The resolution was also clear in its call for the President to abandon his commitment to those policies that he promotes and Scripture directly opposes. 2. The resolution on adoption was a joy for me to affirm.  It was also a joy to see Russell Moore with his three adopted sons with him as the Convention unanimously affirmed it.  I enjoyed having him sign his recent book on adoption. Very little business seems to be conducted this year from the floor.  Which made for a fairly positive Convention overall. The key preacher of this year’s convention was David Platt.  His message this morning was a passionate call to keep our focus on the key issues of meeting the needs of others through the gospel and proclaiming the greatness of God. The afternoon for us was spent at Southern Seminary for the annual luncheon afterwhich we toured the campus.  We watched the chapel service from Heritage Hall and...