Preparing for Sunday: Exodus 1-19

Preparing for Sunday: Exodus 1-19

Carefully Think Read through Exodus 1-19. As you read begin underlining and make a list of the actions you see from the following:  God (what does the text say he does), Moses (how does he respond to God, Israel, and Pharaoh), Pharaoh (how does he respond to Moses and God), and Israel (how do they respond to Moses and God). If you are limited for time, concentrate on the plague accounts of chapters 7-12.  What is the chief purpose behind God”™s bringing the plagues (pay attention to the “so that” phrases)? How would you summarize the theme of Exodus 1-19? Prayerfully Meditate What do you learn about how God works within the actions of people from reading Exodus 1-19?  What does this suggest is true about how God is presently working in our world and in your life? What do you learn from Israel”™s responses to Moses and God throughout these chapters? In what ways do we respond similarly or differently? What was God revealing to Moses, Israel, and Egypt about Himself? How should that impact you? Intentionally Act Pray in response to what you have learned from Exodus 1-19. What sin should you confess? How could you respond in unique praise for who God is? How would any of these lessons impact the way you are currently praying for others? Consider how what you have learned about God should impact the way you worship Him with God”™s people this Sunday. Write out a few responses. Pray for those in our gathering this Sunday who do not know Christ. Pray that they will see God”™s greatness and their need...