Mark Driscoll Defends Satan

See Mark Driscoll very capably defend the Christian faith and the validity of Scripture in a nationally televised debate over the existence of Satan.  While the ABC links are a bit irritating to navigate through the whole show, it is worth your while to watch. Nightline Face-Off – ABC...

Bush’s personality shapes his legacy

By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, Associated Press WASHINGTON ““ President George W. Bush will be judged on what he did. He will also be remembered for what he’s like: a fast-moving, phrase-mangling Texan who stays upbeat even though his country is not. For eight years, the nation has been led by a guy who relaxes by clearing brush in scorching heat and taking breakneck bike rides through the woods. He dishes out nicknames to world leaders, and even gave the German chancellor an impromptu, perhaps unwelcome, neck rub. He’s annoyed when kept waiting and sticks relentlessly to routine. He stays optimistic in even the most dire circumstances, but readily tears up in public. He has little use for looking within himself, and only lately has done much looking back. Bush’s style and temperament are as much his legacy as his decisions. Policy shapes lives, but personality creates indelible memories “” positive and negative. Call it distinctly Bush. ___ Don’t be late. Bush demands punctuality and disdains inefficiency. Every meeting better have a clear purpose. And it better not repeat what he already knows. He is up early and in the Oval Office by 6:45 a.m. By 9:30 to 10 at night, it’s lights out. He likes to be fresh and won’t get cheated on his sleep. In sessions with policy experts, Bush tends to ask questions that get right to the nub of a sticky issue. His top aides speak regretfully about how the country never got to see that side of him, even after all this time. They describe a man who is deeply inquisitive,...