Carefully Think

  • Read through Leviticus 1-5 and make a list of the various offerings Israel was to give.
    • What was the role of the priest?
    • What did the one making the offering have to do?
    • What was the overarching reason for all of the offerings?
    • Read Leviticus 10. What was Nadab and Abihu”™s failure? What does this suggest about God? What does it suggest about people and their approach to God”™s commands?
    • Read Leviticus 16.
      • What is the main theme of this chapter?
      • Who”™s sin was covered? How?
      • What do you learn about how sin is atoned for in this chapter?
      • Read Leviticus 18-20. What is the overarching motive mentioned over and over that should move the Israelites to obedience?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • According to Leviticus, how much of life was treated as worship? What does this suggest about how God”™s people should think about life?
  • According to Leviticus how do you know that God took public worship so seriously? What does it suggest to us about our approach to worshiping God?
  • Read Hebrews 8-10. In what ways is Jesus the fulfillment of what you read in Leviticus?
  • Read Matthew 5-6. In what ways is Jesus the fulfillment of what you read in Leviticus?
  • What should the most significant effect of Leviticus be on your approach to worship this Sunday?

Intentionally Act

  • What areas of sin have been brought to your mind in contemplating Leviticus and its affect on worship and life? Confess those specifically to God in prayer.
  • Respond in prayer to God for what you have learned from Leviticus and Hebrews (mentioned above) and the role Jesus plays in atoning for sin.
  • Pray for those in church this Sunday who do not know Christ, that their hearts will be affected and changed by God”™s grace.
  • Pray that the saints will be edified and encouraged ““ strengthened and prepared for ministry this Sunday. Pray that our worship together will be holy and our enjoyment will be found in God.
  • Pray for those leading the service this week (Dawson Bryant, music; Sam Karl, prayer and Scripture reading, Bret Capranica, teaching). Pray that they will each assist the congregation in appropriate and passionate praise to Christ. Pray for all who will be assisting in worship (instrumentalists, visual and audio techs, ushers, etc.). Pray they will each help the church focus on Christ.
  • Meditate on the lyrics of the songs for Sunday. Play them through the weekend so that your worship through song is more thoughtful, free, and focused.

Songs for Sunday

Agnus Dei

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty

In Christ Alone

Jesus, Thank You

What A Savior

Psalm 62



Morning Service – July 24, 2011