Carefully Think

  • This Sunday we will be finishing up with Exodus 19-40. Our focus will be from chapters 32-40. Read through these chapters and see if you can identify and write down the main idea for each of them.
  • Read Exodus 32 again. Note carefully, who did Israel and Aaron say the golden calf represented? How does Israel”™s sin relate to any of the Ten Commandments?
  • Chapters 25-31 and 36-40 describe the construction of the Tabernacle. Why do you think this was so important in Israel”™s life? What indications do you see in the text?

Prayerfully Meditate

  • From reading chapters 32-34, what lessons was Israel to learn about themselves and about relating to God? How would those lessons correlate to us?
  • In what ways do we pursue idolatry as Israel did in chapter 32?
  • How would you relate your passion for God”™s glory to Moses”™ passion for God”™s glory as seen in 33-34?

Intentionally Act

  • From what you have been seeing both last week and this week, how should Exodus be impacting your approach to worship with God”™s people each Sunday? What needs to be enhanced, stopped, changed ““ in your personal approach to corporate worship?
  • Spend some time praying for those who will be leading the service on Sunday (Bret Capranica, teaching; Dawson Bryant, music; Mark Krystyniak, prayer and Scripture reading). Pray that they will be thoughtful, focused, encouraging, helpful to the body, and full of Christ in their leadership.
  • Pray for others who will be participating in the worship service ““ that they will have servant”™s hearts, affection for Christ that encourages others, focus on how their service will benefit the body.
  • Meditate on the lyrics of the songs for Sunday. Play them through the weekend so that your worship through song is more thoughtful, free, and focused.

Songs for Sunday

Holy Is The Lord
Our God
All Because Of Jesus
All I Have Is Christ


Morning Service – July 17, 2011