Carefully Think

  • Read through Revelation 4 & 5 in one setting (it won”™t take long).
  • Make a list of one-word statements that would describe the kind of worship taking place in heaven.
  • Put a star beside those words in the list that would be transferrable and helpful in how we should think about our own worship when we gather as a church.

Prayerfully Meditate

  • Make a list of one-word characteristics that you find to be true about our church”™s worship gatherings.
  • How could the list of heaven”™s characteristics improve our worship?
  • Review this week”™s bulletin and the various elements of our worship gathering. Which elements can you find biblical warrant for? Can you think of biblical texts that would describe each element?  Can you think of biblical texts that need to better inform our worship?  How would these additions help you worship with all your heart and soul on Sunday?
  • Meditate on the lyrics to this Sunday”™s songs.  What are they teaching about the subject of worship? What themes in these songs are also present in the worship scene in heaven?

Actively Respond

  • Pray for all those who will be assisting the church in our worship gathering. Pray that they will arrive with humble hearts ready to serve and focused on making God central in what we do together.
  • Pray specifically for Dawson Bryant and Bret Capranica as they work together each week to prepare our weekly gatherings. Pray that they will be driven by God”™s word and sensitive to how we can best express our praise corporately.
  • Read through Revelation 4 & 5 with your family. Talk through the themes of worship you find.
  • Pray for all who gather on Sunday to have a heart ready to exalt the greatness of God. Pray for those who do not know Christ that their hearts will be arrested by God”™s word, and positively affected by their interactions with those who do know Christ. Pray that those without Christ will have longings to follow him wholeheartedly.