Today was one of the best days at the Southern Baptist Convention I’ve had in a long time.  There was plenty to get the blood pumping – both good and bad.

Dr. Danny Akin began the day with a great review of 3 John and an exhortation to those at the Founders’ Breakfast.  Here’s his words of caution:

1 Don’t make Calvinism such a priority that you cannot work with other confessional Christians for the Great Commission.

2 Take the high road in your rhetoric even if others don’t.

3 Avoid being a theological elitist.

4 Be known as a Great Commission Calvinist.

5 Cultivate a passion for the nations and go to them.

6 Get involved in church planting.

7 Do not be known more for following Jesus than John Calvin.

The next event was the opening of the Convention.  The highlight of the morning session was the CEO of the Executive Committe, Dr. Morris Chapman’s report to the SBC.  He came out swinging at everyone.  While always gracious in his demeanor, he proceeded to attack virtually everyone in the room.  The Calvinists seems to take the bulk of his invectives.  I do not believe Dr. Chapman is completely ignorant of what Calvinism truly believes, so I have to think that he knew that he was setting up and knocking down the poorest of straw men.  He suggested that Calvinism taught that God was so sovereign that man had no responsibility to believe and repent.  How sad.  He went after those who supported the Great Commission Resurgence and while gracious, nonetheless went off on a tangent.  His report was cooly received at best, judging from the lack of applause that typically accompanies his reports.  It appears he sees the handwriting on the wall and may have simply been giving his parting shots.

I was surprised with the sorts of motions brought to the floor this year.  Perhaps we are simply closer to the SBC’s core and when closer to the core, the crazies pop out.  Being from California, I have no problem making that statement.  Mark Driscoll, while distrubing in some levels, received two motions (that I heard) with his name negatively attached – and he’s not even a Southern Baptist.  One motion, from a Missouri man, called for the Convention to publish the churches linked to Driscoll’s Acts 29 church planting movement along with the amount of money they receive, an attempt to harass those who are Southern Baptist but who also cooperatte with Driscoll.  Another called for LifeWay not to sell any of his books.  Funny, since Justin and I both looked with dismay as we picked up a copy of John Tesh, a new age guru’s book in the LifeWay store at the convention.  I would have a whole lot of names that I would wish LifeWay would pull before Mark Driscoll.

Two people brought the same motion to the floor within an hour of each other.  Needless to say, it was an interesting time.  Much of the business on these motions will be held today.

We attended the Baptist21 luncheon at Sojourn Community Church where their pastor, Daniel Montgomery, along with Danny Akin, Ed Stetzer, Al Mohler, Mark Dever, and David Platt sat and answered questions about the Great Commission Resurgence as well as other questions about ministry and preaching.  It was really an edifying conversation that I could have listened to all day.

The afternoon was fairly uneventful.  In fact, the Convention has been getting ahead of itself so much that they play video after video to try and get through the schedule to the next event.

The evening held the vote on The Great Commission Resurgence.  It was well debated.  One California pastor, Ron Wilson (who loves to be at a microphone in thises meetings) called for an alternative motion that would have neutered the GCR. It was handily defeated.  The motion carried with some 95% of the messengers.

The evening ended for us by attending the 9Marks at 9 meeting where Danny Akin spoke and a panel of pastors then took questions from one another and from the floor.  Again, a very encouraging day.

All in all, a great day.

This morning we will deal with business from yesterday and then engage the always fun “Resolutions.”  Watch the twitter updates for the latest.  We will also head out to Southern Seminary for a luncheon hailing their 150th anniversary, along with a special chapel service.  Should be another fun day.