As Kelly and Brie were under the weather yesterday, I took some time (more than a human should) to scour the World Wide Web for a new blog design. There are tons out there, but to be honest, I really didn’t find any that were free, easily customizable, and better-looking (IMHO) than the one I have. I was a bit disappointed.

While the guys at Glued Ideas no longer seem to do much for the Subtle theme, It is still one of my favorites. It’s free, simple, professional, clean, easily customizable and personable. Above all that, my wife likes it best and has threatened me if I changed it much. How intimate that all sounds ““ especially for a blog that is really rarely updated, especially with much meaningful content.

So, I’ve decided to stick with Subtle. I did change from the “Subvert” (darkish) feel to the default, brighter feel ““ just for a change of pace. But really, now, who cares?

In the next few days, I’ll be updating my blogroll as well as a few other overdue updates. I did add a new feature: “GReader-Cap.” Ever since I happily converted to Google Reader as my feed reader, and since I use the beautiful iPhone web-app for Google Reader, I find myself sharing a number of articles from my reading via Google Reader. It is actually easier to share an article from GReader than to go in and put up a “Short Cap” post of it. So, watch the GReader section to see the articles across the web I’m following and think are interested, but don’t really want to make an entire post. When I find something on which I want to keep, file, and quickly comment, I’ll throw it up on the Short Caps.

Other updates: I also plan to do a bit more in the way of tagging of my posts (we’ll see if we can go back and tag the old stuff ““ a lot still lacks categories). I put up a widget that randomly chooses from my Picasa Gallery. I pulled down my podcasting feeds, because, to be honest, I am not keeping up even listening to the many gigabytes of material I already have on my iPhone. All-in-all, not much change, just a little tweaking.

Now, about posting with a little more regularity and substance. I sure want to and have a project folder full of ideas that I think would be a good discipline for me to write up and may even be helpful reading for a few folks. We’ll see if I can be focused and disciplined enough to actually get it done.