Kel and ArrowheadAt the moment, I sitting at a great little coffee shop in Lake Arrowhead, drinking a cappuccino, making use of the wireless internet at DeLago’s coffee shop, and otherwise doing virtually nothing of any real significance. Planned laziness. How’s that for disciplined productivity!

Since it’s been a few days that THE CAPRANICA has had seen a fresh post, I’ll catch us up on the past week.

Seth with the CatchThe All Nigher's ClubLast Wednesday through Saturday, I spent some time with a half dozen men on a retreat at Lake Mojave. We had a great time talking about ordering our lives around biblical priorities. We enjoyed great fellowship with one another. Hitting 70 mph on the SeaDo’s was awesome. Though I missed the all night fishing trip (I see sleep as a biblical priority), the 42 lb. Striper Seth and boys caught was an incredible site. We were also thrilled to see one of the men give his life to Christ while on the trip. Many thanks to Jaron for his great generosity with the house and boat. Great thanks for Jason for bringing along the SeaDo and trusting me not to destroy them.

Kel and I are enjoying a week of vacation. We’ll be in Arrowhead for a few days, Palm Springs for a few and then Santa Clarita. I intend to make my pilgrimage to The Reagan Library at the end of the week. Assuming I can find internet access, I’ll post a few.