femalepreacher2.gifPreacher defends belief women can’t teach men – Yahoo! News

An American Baptist Church in New York relieved an 81 year old woman from her Sunday School teaching position – and it has garnered a national response.  Scripture versus culture once again.

If there is any wonder where most north eastern American Baptist churches stand, an executive of the ABC said not many would affirm the pastor’s position but rather are more aggressive in putting women into greater leadership roles.

I highly recommend reading the pastor’s statement – as always there is a bit more to the story than the Reuters reporter reports.  The woman seems to have been a member of a troublemaking group that has already been a thorn in the side of the church.  She wasn’t purged purely for 2 Timothy 2:11-15 reasons.  Or perhaps she was.  Perhaps 2 Tim 2 has more wisdom than Reuters and the rest of the world want to admit.
What is even more interesting to read is the statement from the diaconate.  According to the statement, 55% of the deacon board is comprised of women.  87% of the Sunday School teachers in the church are women.  This is no “fun-DAM-mental-ist” church.

“Sacked” is the term Reuters used to describe the woman’s dismissal, as if she was a paid Sunday School teacher.  Maybe she was, but that seems unlikely.  “Booyah!”  is the term I use for a church willing to take an unpleasant stand to uphold what the Bible affirms.