Can you say you’ve had this much fun?

Mac in His PulpitPhil Johnson recently put up a post regarding the amazing pulpit at Grace Community Church: the headquarters of John MacArthur’s amazing pulpit ministry. It brought back many memories, especially this one, which I posted in the comment thread over at “Pulpit Live.”

Where to RideI think I can say this now, five years removed from membership at Grace, without getting into too much trouble. When I arrived at Grace and TMS nine years ago this month, I joined the custodial staff at the church. Little did I know of the custodial sub-culture that existed in such an esteemed environment. Anywhoo, my “baptismal introduction” (hazing) to the custodial staff was to “ride” the pulpit. Yes, that is right. I was instructed to get inside the pulpit and ‘ride her down’. Just when I was incsribing my good friend’s, and fellow custodian’s name on the wall underneath the esteemed platform, I heard a most unamusing growling sound – as if they were trying to trun the knob to let me back up and it wouldn’t work. Mind you, this was on a Saturday evening. I began to think, “What will John MacArthur do on Sunday morning when the guys in the little glass booth above the Worship Center finally raise me from my pulpit-like tomb and voila! there I am? Speaking of “Pulpit Live.” But alas, all was a joke and they finally raised me to life again. So is my fondest memory of the Grace Church pulpit.

How many have the privilege of saying they have been able to ‘ride’ the pulpit’ at GCC. I bet I just offended a few who esteem the wood more than the word, but I am sure this does not happen any longer, and I have repented. Try not to get any ideas for something fun to do at next year’s Shepherds’ Conference.